1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-18 16:55:16


stamp one's foot

  • 她在人行道上着双脚取暖。

    She stamped her feet on the pavement to keep out the cold.

  • 大家蜂拥而上把”电线杆“一阵猛,让后把他拽到街道上。

    The guys jumped on the beanpole and dragged him into the street.

  • 然而这一新角度,拍摄了夹在两墙之间的塑像,构成了一个更为独特的画面。

    But this new Angle, capturing the statue between two walls, makes for a more unique picture.

  • 脚,把靴子上的雪抖掉。

    He stamped the snow from his boots.

  • 拍拍手, 脚。 拍拍手, 脚。

    Clap your hands, stamp your feet. Clap your hands, stamp your feet.

  • 着脚走出了房间。

    He stomped out of the room.

  • 他立即耍起性子来,像小孩似的着脚又叫又跳。

    He immediately threw a tantrum, screaming and stomping up and down like a child.

  • 你把我扔在这儿算怎回事? ” 坐车的着脚喊.

    You can't leave me here! " the other shouted, stamping his feet.

  • 了一阵脚想暖和暖和。

    I tried stamping my feet to keep warm.

  • 我们会用它厚厚地涂在每一墙和每一块天花板上,以致使我们停不下来。

    We would slather every wall and every ceiling with the stuff. There would be no stopping us.

  • “随便!”我抓起要洗的衣服,狠狠地着脚出去,在开车回学校的路上仍然狂怒不已。

    "Whatever!" I grabbed my laundry and stomped out, still seething as I drove back to campus.

  • 她从椅子上站起来走向我的12加仑吸尘器,发出更大声的噪音来,还脚。

    She got up out of her chair and walked quickly to my twelve-gallon wet-dry Shop-Vac.

  • 这是什么?这是酸奶。和我一起说,还要脚哦!来吧,你们准备好了吗?

    What is it? It's yoghurt. Say it with me and stamp your feet! Come on, are you ready?

  • 她每说一次,都要一次脚。

    She stamped each time she said it.

  • 拍拍手, 脚, 摇摇头.

    With a clap , clap , Stamp, stamp, Shake your head about.

  • 脚,他吐了口长气, 很长很白.

    He stamped his feet and exhaled a long, white breath.

  • 我重重地着脚上楼去,看到楼梯非常脏了,每个角落里都积满了灰尘、头发和乐高积木。

    I stomp upstairs, noticing how dirty the stairs are, little nests of dust and hair and Lego blocks in the corner of each one.

  • 他在舞池里着舞步,样子很可笑.

    He looked funny stomping round the dance floor.

  • 母亲在屋里荡来荡去犹如轻雾,而父亲却着脚步仿佛一队士兵。

    Our mother drifted around the house like mist, but Father stomped like a detail of soldiers.

  • 凡不接待你们的,你们离开那城的时候,要把脚上的尘土下去,见证他们的不是。

    And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them.

  • 她又脚。

    She stamped her foot again.

  • 马发出哼声并着脚。

    The horse snorted and stamped its feet.

  • “不,”斯特凡妮亚着脚反驳道。

    "No," retorted Stefania, stamping her feet.

  • 他们进入了前厅,着靴子,蹦跳着抖掉身上的雪。

    They came into the front hall, stamping their boots and jumping up and down to knock the snow off.

  • 着脚, 咬紧了牙关, 恨恨地喊道: “ 混蛋!

    He stamped his foot, ground his teeth and raved at Kao Sheng , " You blasted idiot!

  • 马不安地用蹄着地面。

    The horse stamped the ground nervously.

  • 二人对着众人下脚上的尘土,就往以哥念去了。

    But they shook off the dust of their feet against them, and came unto Iconium.

  • 拍拍你的手,你的脚。

    Clap your hands and stamp your feet.

  • 军官靴子:“小姐,别对我无礼。”

    The officer stamped his boot. 'Don't be insolent with me, mademoiselle.'

  • 这匹马呼哧呼哧地喷着气,不耐烦地着蹄子.

    The horse snorted and stamped its hoof impatiently.

  • 的太重了,你会掉下去的。

    You stomp too hard and you'll fall in it.

  • “今天早上,他把我赶出了房间。”玛丽说着,激动地着脚。

    "He turned me out of the room this morning," said Mary, stamping her foot with excitement.

  • Jay又了我几次,我这才摇摇晃晃的站了起来,立马扑向他。

    Jay stomped at me a couple of times before I staggered to my feet and launched myself at him.

  • 她越笑越厉害,在房间里着脚,手捧着胖肚子,像是要笑破肚皮。

    She laughed more and more, stamping about the room and holding her fat sides as though they would burst.

  • 她把双手从耳朵上拿开,跳起来,着脚。

    She took her hands from her ears and sprang up and stamped her foot.

  • 两只小脚

    Two little feet stamp, stamp, stamp.

  • 她生气地着脚。

    She stamped with anger.

  • 我能听见马打响鼻儿、蹄子的声音。

    I could hear the snort and stamp of a horse.

  • “你最好别理这只狗,”希刺克厉夫先生以同样的音调咆哮着,一下脚来警告它。

    You'd better let the dog alone, 'growled Mr Heathcliff in unison, checking fiercer demonstrations with a punch of his foot.

  • 牛儿进了屠宰场,马儿上了竞技场,而威廉斯却疯也似的着脚。

    The cattle go to the slaughterhouse, the horses to rodeos. But Mr Williams is stomping mad.

  • 特萨着脚,搓着手.

    Tessa is stamping her feet and rubbing her hands.

  • 那位军官脚。

    The officer stamped his boot.

  • 昨晚,我着脚进卧室,准备大发雷霆。

    Last night, I stomped into our bedroom ready to turn on my anger at full volume.

  • 当他终于站起来的时候,他用尽全力用脚雪地。

    When he had gained his feet at last, he stamped upon the ground with all his might.

  • 人们鼓掌,拍着大腿,着地板。

    People are clapping, slapping their thighs, stomping the floor.

  • 安娜·贝利着脚,板着脸说,“看看是谁搞砸了这一切!”

    Annabel stamped and pouted. "Look who just messed everything up!"

  • 他把巴松管夹在腋下,着脚走了出去.

    He tucked the bassoon under an arm and stamped out.

  • 着小脚说:“如果你想这么卑鄙的话,随你的意吧!”

    She stamped her little foot and said, "Be so mean if you want to!"

  • “ 就是你, " 嘉莉着脚说, " 你是个自高自大 、 讨厌透顶的胆小鬼.

    " You are,'stamped Carrie. " You're a horrid, conceited coward, that's what you are.

  • 吴荪甫垂头看了一眼, 焦躁地着脚.

    Wu Sun - fu glanced down at the shadows , then stamped on them in his vexation.

  • 脚。像恐龙一样脚。咆哮吧。像恐龙一样咆哮。脚! 脚!脚! 咆哮!咆哮!咆哮!像恐龙一样地脚!脚咆哮!

    To the stomp. To the dinosaur stomp. To the roar. To the dinosaur roar. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. Roar. Roar. Roar. To the dinosaur stomp. Stomp. Roar.



duò ㄉㄨㄛˋ

     ◎ 提起脚来用力踏地:~脚。

英语 stamp feet, step

法语 taper (du pied)​





顿足,用脚猛力踏地 [stamp one's foot]。如:跺脚(顿足,举脚猛力踩地);跺蹬(跺足,跺脚);跺泥(脚用力蹬地);跺打(用力踩踏)



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of