1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-07 11:44:05
jiào zhèng


rectify; fix; correct; adjust; calibrate


calibration; adjustment; alignment; rectification

rectify v.纠正;矫正;修正;改正;整顿;使正直;把(交流电)转变成直流电;精炼(尤指酒精)

fix v.修理;维修;固定;安装;安排;准备(尤指食物);设定;确定;决定;设法解决;调整;调节;定影(摄影);阉割(动物);提供;找到;惩罚;梳洗

correct adj.正确无误的;准确的;精确的;对的;恰当的;适当的;得体的;合乎规范的;符合事实的;符合标准的;(举止言谈)符合公认准则的

adjust v.调整;调节;适应;习惯;整理

calibrate v.校准;调整;调节;标定

calibration n.校准;调整;标定;(温度计或其他仪表上的)刻度;定标;计量校准

adjustment n.调整;调节;调节器;调解;适应

alignment n.排列成一条直线;校准;对齐;联盟;结盟;同盟;协同;支持;道路规划;车辆的定位调整

rectification n.矫正;改正;改订

  • 跟踪校正管理措施的有效性。

    Tracking the effectiveness of corrective management actions.

  • 基于表格自动录入系统中票据图像的自身特点,提出了一种基于游程的倾斜表格图像的快速检测及校正算法。

    According to the features of the form image in form recognition system, a new algorithm based on run-length feature was put forth for detecting and rectifying the slanting form image fast.

  • 各学校正加强科学教育.

    The schools are playing up their science programs.

  • 在中国,学校正在考虑将生活技能作为一门学科来教授。

    In China, schools are now thinking about teaching life skills as a subject.

  • 采集的参考图像首先转化到与视点连线平行的平面(称做校正图像)。

    The acquired images are first transformed into images (referred as reference rectifying images) in a plane paralleling with the viewpoint connection line.

  • 校正采取行动,确保学生能获得充足的睡眠。

    Schools are taking action to make sure the students can get enough sleep.

  • 中国人用重力仪来校正海平面的局部偏差。

    The Chinese used a gravity meter to correct for local deviations in sea level.

  • 通过采用RADARSAT的实际图像进行了图像的模拟和几何校正,证明了方法的可行性。

    The method is demonstrated by simulating RADARSAT image and rectifying the real SAR image.

  • 我们需要立即校正这个问题。

    We need to rectify this issue immediately.

  • 现在是夏天,学校正放暑假。

    It's summer and it's school holidays.

  • 我女儿的学校正在筹办一场街头派对.

    My daughter's school was organising a street party.

  • 测出产生力矩的电流,然后根据事先校正的数据来算出飘移率.

    The torquing current is measured and related to drift rate by prior calibration data.

  • 浸润式学校正在取得进展,因为如果在孩子们小的时候就教他们说这种语言,那么他们长大后直到未来会一直说这种语言。

    Progress is being made through immersion schools, because if you teach children when they're young, it will stay with them as adults and that's the future.

  • 这一带的学校正试用新的数学教程.

    Schools in this area are piloting the new maths course.

  • 这个软件可以自动校正拼写错误。

    This software can automatically rectify spelling mistakes.

  • 校正在考虑是否分发 iPhone,但不确定是否有必要。该校指出,去年该校网络上注册的 iPhone 超过700部。

    It is considering whether to issue iPhones but not sure it's necessary, noting that more than 700 iPhones were registered on the university's network last year.

  • 校正稿已经排好版了。

    The correction had already been set in type.

  • 许多仪器已经装备了这种自动本底校正器.

    Many instruments are equipped to carry out this background correction on an automatic basis.

  • 因此,他为了校正,就朝右面走,以便走上正确的路程.

    He now bore off to the right to counteract the possible deviation from his true course.

  • 一些高校正在向学生发放苹果的 iPhone 和可上网的 iPod,这一举措可能会让很多教授觉得有点适得其反。

    Taking a step that many professors may view as a bit counterproductive, some colleges and universities are doling out Apple iPhones and Internet-capable iPods to their students.

  • 我们将对磁力资料的取得和校正加以讨论.

    We shall consider the acquistion and reduction of magnetic data.

  • 他们说卫星没有安装增压机制用以校正轨道。

    They said the satellite did not have a booster mechanism to correct its trajectory.

  • 当地一所学校正在为学生提供免费食物。

    A local school is providing free food for students.

  • 浸入式学校正在取得进步,因为如果你在孩子小的时候教了他们,他们长大后还会记得,而这就是未来。

    Progress is being made through immersion schools, because if you teach children when they're young it will stay with them as adults and that's the future.

  • 他花了很多时间来校正这些错误。

    He spent a lot of time trying to rectify these errors.

  • 我们学校正对着教堂.

    Our school is opposite the church.

  • 核磁共振谱通常是根据已知的溶剂残留质子峰进行校正,而不是添加四甲基硅烷。

    NMR spectra are often calibrated against the known solvent residual proton peak instead of added tetramethylsilane.

  • 校正校正不够更难处理。

    Overcorrections may be more difficult to fix than undercorrections.

  • 使你的IRAD工作区具有校正能力。

    Enable the correct capabilities in your IRAD workbench.

  • 现在我们需要校正这些层级结构上的缺陷。

    Now we need to correct these hierarchical flaws.

  • 提出了一种无需相机标定的立体图像对平面投影变换校正方法。

    A method is present to rectify stereo pairs without calibration for cameras.

  • 我们需要校正显示器的色差。

    We need to correct the monitor's chromatism.

  • 校服是英国的传统,但一些学校正开始取消校服要求。

    School uniforms are traditional in Britain, but some schools are starting to get rid of them.

  • 你们应配备一只校正瓶.

    You should set up a reference flask.

  • 卡普尔将生产失败原理应用于三个学校正在解决的数学问题中。

    Kapur applied the principle of productive failure to mathematical problem solving in three schools.

  • 结果表明,该系统可以提供实时和自动的音频/视频延迟校正

    The results show that the system can provide real-time and automatic A/V delay correction.

  • 校正在拓宽授课学科的范围。

    The school is extending the range of subjects taught.

  • 她正在努力校正她的发音。

    She is working hard to rectify her pronunciation.

  • 那么如何才能知道传感器是否需要校正呢?

    How do you know if your sensor needs correction?

  • 本文指出了一些手册和书籍中计算等效空速的校正图表中的错误。

    This paper points out an error in the correction chart calculating the equivalent airspeed in some manuals and books.

  • 柔韧的膜片一扁平的悬臂校正弹簧相连.

    The flexible diaphragm is connected to a plat cantilever - calibrated spring.

  • 一种校正视频磁带记录器中时基误差的设备.

    An equipment that corrects the time base errors in video tape recorders.

  • 私立学校正在中国的大城市里兴起。

    Private schools are no the increase in big cities in China.

  • 要求用直接测定法校正间接测定法.

    A direct means is required to calibrate the indirect method.

  • 我正在校正西班牙语版本的校样。

    I'm correcting the proofs of the Spanish edition right now.

  • 把它当作一种能够自行校正的结构,是合理的.

    It was reasonable to treat it as a self - righting mechanism.

  • 这个校正仅是局部的, 对于瞬变过程尤其如此.

    The correction is only partial, particularly for transients.

  • 你必需全面检查以及校正你的邮件。

    You must thoroughly spell-check and proofread your email letter.

  • 在费城,以及俄勒冈州的波特兰市,公立学校正在计划不再建任何校舍。

    In Philadelphia and Portland, Oregon, plans are being drawn up for public schools that won't have any school buildings at all.

  • 这样可能对结果起到校正作用。

    This could skew the results.

  • 他们雇佣了专家来校正数据。

    They hired an expert to rectify the data.

  • 哪些校正措施是必要的?

    What corrective action is necessary?

  • 校正试用新的数学教程.

    Schools are piloting the new maths course.

  • 然后我们发现,要在特定案例之下,自圆其说我们的判断,校正我们一再确认的原则,难度越来越大。

    And we noticed the built in pressure to try to bring into alignment our judgments about particular cases and the principles we would endorse on reflection.

  • 指前因子校正了所有的静电力。

    The pre-factor embodies all the electrostatics.

  • 但现在如果你喝了一瓶二十盎司可乐,会觉得现在的饮用量,和我小时候已经完全不同了,是我小时候的2.5倍,人们已经校正了其中差异的大小

    But now if you have a twenty-ounce bottle, your cue for when the drinking event ends is completely different than when I was a child, and its two and a half times different then when I was child, and so people have become calibrated to what difference sizes are.

  • 在通货膨胀已校正的条件下,美国房价,在1997 年到2006年之间,实质上上涨了85%

    Nationally, home prices in the United States rose 85% between 1997 and 2006 in real terms-- in inflation-corrected terms.

  • 高度表校正,30.23英吋汞柱。30.23英吋汞柱。

    Altimeter is verified. 3-0-2-3. 3-0-2-3.


校正 jiàozhèng

[emend;rectify;proofread and correct] 进行校对,加以改正



英语 to proofread and correct, to edit and rectify, to correct, to calibrate

德语 berichtigen, entzerren, regeln, regulieren, korrigieren (V)​

法语 rectifier, corriger


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of