1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-16 09:12:53


word; character; letter; script; handwriting; type



word n.单词;字;词语;话语;说的话;言辞;言语;消息;信息;承诺;保证;命令;指令;口令;歌词;语句;谚语;箴言;圣经经文

character n.性格;品质;特性;特征;特色;人物;人;角色;人格;信誉;名誉;地位;身份;勇气;毅力;个性;字符;字母;符号;文字;记号;标志

letter n.信;信函;字母;文学;法律文书;正式文书(letters);字面确切含义

script n.剧本;手写体;书法;笔迹;电影剧本;广播(或讲话等)稿;手稿;印刷手写体;编程代码;脚本语言;手写文字;手写字母;手写记录;手写文稿;(一种语言的)字母系统;字母表

handwriting n.书写;手写;笔迹;写字风格

type n.类型;种类;模式;样式;典型;代表性人物(或事物);(印刷或打印的)文字;字体;字型;字号;打字机键盘上的字符;模具;铅字;图案;版式

inscribe v.铭刻;题写;题献;刻写;在…上写(词语、名字等);记录;注册为股东的(债券)

  • 字节

    byte 一个二进制数字序列,在计算机中作为一个数字单元,一般比一个字短

  • 一个字

    a character

  • 字里行间

    between the lines 文字语句中间,常形容文句言语之间的含义,跃然纸上

  • 字幅

    calligraphy in a vertically-hung or horizontally-hung scroll 写着大字的条幅或横幅

  • 字调

    tones of Chinese characters 字音的高低升降

  • 字迹

    handwriting;writing 用毛笔、钢笔、铅笔、铁笔或类似书写工具手写的字的形迹;亦指某一特定人这样写的字的形迹

  • 下标字

    index word

  • 字典

    dictionary 一种工具书,搜集单字,按某种检字法(如音序检字法、部首笔画检字法、四角号码检字法、上下形检字法)排列,并一一注明音、义、用法,有的还详注引证书籍,同义字与反义字等,而有的只注明音、义

  • 六画的字

    characters formed with six strokes

  • 字号

    the name of a shop 商店的名称或招牌 a mark made with character 以文字作为编次的符号

  • 删一个字

    delete a word

  • 冷僻字

    rarely used word; unfamiliar word

  • 字画

    calligraphy and painting 书法和绘画 the stroke in a character 一个字的笔画

  • 字类

    type family 根据基本的字体设计变化而成的各种不同的字体,如细体字、黑体字、粗黑体等

  • 漏掉字

    leave out a word

  • 中国字

    Chinese characters; Chinese written language

  • 字盘式计算机

    dialing set computer

  • 字汇

    glossary;wordbook;lexicon 字典一类的工具书 vocabulary;words;terms 词汇;词语

  • 屏蔽字

    mask word

  • 破读字

    character of split reading [character not pronounced in the usual way because of a different meaning or function]

  • 字符

    character 一般以相连或相邻的笔画在空间排列成的图形形式来表示数据的基本标记,如字母或数字 相邻位的一个小集合,用以表示一段作为一个单元编址或处理数据,经常对应一数字或字母

  • 字句

    words and expressions 文字语句

  • 烫金字

    gold-stamped characters; characters stamped in gold

  • 字段长度

    field length

  • 二进制字

    binary word

  • 多余的字

    redundant words

  • 字块

    block 作为一个单元进行传送的一组字,或由于存储在连续的存储单元中而被看作是一个单元的一组字

  • 头号字

    size one type

  • 代码字

    code word

  • 字写得帅

    write a beautiful hand

  • 谐音字

    homophonic words

  • 艺术字

    character in a fancy style

  • 辨认字

    decipher words

  • 字据

    written pledge 作为凭证用的文书,如发票、借据、契约之类

  • 他擦去了写错的

    He had erased the wrong word.

  • 他后脖子上有个十文身。

    On the back of his neck he has a tattoo of a cross.

  • 他没跟我说话—一个也没说。

    He didn't speak to me—not one word.

  • 我们得把这篇文章压缩到1 000

    We need to cut the article down to 1 000 words.

  • 在十路口向左转到克莱路上。

    Turn left at the crossroads into Clay Lane.

  • 他俯身向前,双手十交错地紧握着。

    He leaned forward, his hands clasped tightly together.

  • 我不会试图一不落地记住讲话要说的内容。

    I don't try to memorize speeches word for word.

  • 我们大家都将在图书馆玩哑谜猜游戏。

    We are all going to play charades in the library.

  • 她用她漂亮的斜体亲笔给他们写信。

    She addressed them by hand in her beautiful italic script.

  • 该图案可以用十针法编织出来。

    The design can be worked in cross stitch.

  • 老师解释了本的用法。

    The teacher explained the usage of this word.

  • 重点词是用黑体印刷的。

    The important words are in bold type.

  • 那些赫然写在纸上。

    The words stood out clearly on the page.

  • 他因在协议上签了而受到攻击。

    He was attacked for having put his signature to the deal.

  • 咱们来玩打哑谜猜游戏吧。

    Let's play charades.

  • 把这张表上你认识的圈出来。

    Circle the words on this list that you recognize.

  • 他发不出声音来,翕动着嘴唇说了“谢谢你”这几个

    His voiceless lips formed the words "Thank you".

  • 施拉德在收条上用首母签了,交给了酒吧招待。

    Schrader initialled the chit for the barman.

  • 这条公路止于一个十路口。

    The motorway ended at an intersection.

  • 他写下了“超级鸟”这几个

    He lettered the words ‘Super Bird'.

  • 大部分时候都是沉默,我还从未见过如此惜如金的情形。

    There was mostly silence. I have never known such economy with words.

  • 孩子们一不漏地专心听故事。

    The children were following every word of the story intently.

  • 他出于被迫在供状上签了

    He signed the confession under duress.

  • 用符合定义的单词完成填游戏。

    Complete the crossword with the words that match the definitions.

  • 他的从小就写得流畅优美。

    His handwriting, from earliest young manhood, was flowing and graceful.

  • 他在左小腿上文了“安吉爱伊恩”几个

    He had the words "Angie loves Ian" tattooed on his left shin.

  • 我们确实识了,而且还很快。

    We did learn to read, and quickly too.

  • 记号标明了发现死尸的地点。

    The cross marks the spot where the body was found.

  • 你可以在上面写上“龙”

    You can write the Chinese word for "dragon" on it.

  • 他荣获维多利亚十勋章。

    He was awarded the VC.

  • 你知道本的正确写法吗?

    Do you know the correct way to write this word?

  • 他的律师们正在审阅合同上的小号

    His lawyers are poring over the small print in the contract.

  • 呸,他说的我一个都不信。

    Pah, I don't believe a word he says.

  • 他仔细观察了那封信的每一个

    He scrutinized every word of the letter.

  • 她说的我一个也听不懂。

    I can't understand a word she says.

  • 花蕾呈圆锥形或金塔形。

    The buds are conical or pyramidal in shape.

  • “我要走了,”她冷冰冰地抛出几个

    "I'm leaving," she said curtly.

  • 该国的血库均属于美国红十会。

    The country's blood banks are under the umbrella of the American Red Cross.

  • 她用漂亮的斜体写明了收信人姓名和地址。

    She addressed them by hand in her beautiful italic script.

  • 侦探费力地辨认出这些

    The detective picked out the words with difficulty.

  • 不会写的人画十代替签名。

    Those who could not write signed with a cross.

  • 在汉中有特定的含义。

    This word has a specific meaning in Chinese characters.

  • 你写的有点不好认。

    It was a little difficult to read your writing.

  • 医生不客气地简单说了几个

    The doctor spoke in a brusque tone.

  • 这些话你一个也不要告诉别人。

    I don't want you to repeat a word of this to anyone.

  • 我不得不承认自己的写得不好看。

    I have to admit that I have bad handwriting.

  • 做笔记意味着写几个

    Making notes means writing a few words.

  • 康蒂跪下,虔诚地在身上划十

    Conti kneeled and crossed himself piously.

  • 回答是个干脆利落的“不”

    The answer was an unequivocal 'no'.

  • 他划掉了“编剧”二,改为“作者”。

    He crossed out "Screenplay" and put "Written by" instead.

  • 写小点,就可以全部填进去。

    You can fit it all in if you write very small.

  • 麦克说出最后这两个时,吓得声音颤抖。

    Mack made his voice quiver with fear on these last two words.

  • 赛跑运动员在起跑线上一排开。

    The runners lined up at the start.

  • 不要向任何人说出一个

    Do not utter a single word about this to anyone.

  • 还有一个特别重要的通知,这在你们的课程纲要上但我想请你们在那下面划线,这比那些已经被划出或加粗的还重要,我想请你们划下讨论课的重要性。

    One more extremely important announcement, it's on your syllabus, but I want to underline it even more than it is already underlined and boldfaced.I want to underline the importance of the section discussions in this course.

  • 我给学生寄的邮件经常被退回来,因为他们的太差,我总是认错他们写的邮件地址。

    But I often get mails back from students' posts I didn't correctly read their handwriting on the email address.

  • 它也允许我们查找,特定的关键和主题。

    And it also allows us to look for certain key words and themes.

  • 乔伊,你从哪儿学到那个?你想是哪里,柔达?你看了我的书?对。

    Joey, where did you learn that word? Where do you think, Zelda? You found my book? Yeah I did.

  • 因为即使产品名称中带"水果"二,产品中也不一定含有水果

    Because a product has the word 'fruit' in its name doesn't necessarily mean it actually has fruit in it.

  • 而且一条短信最多只能有160个

    And it has this beautiful constraint of 160 characters.

  • 抛到的是另一个群体。

    Everyone who has tails, you're the other group.

  • 如果不在,我会得到一个关键错误。

    If not I'll get a key error.

  • 这些就是负离子,有,能让我们想起,负,这个,或者负离子和负号都是5个母。

    n And these are known as anions. It has the n, which might conjure up negative, or anion and minus both have five letters.

  • 但想象往后每天做填游戏,玩上十年,一千年以至永远。

    But imagine doing crossword puzzles every day for 10 years, 1,000 years, a million years, a billion years, a trillion years.

  • 我不管你是谁,要是你把在这里看到的说出去一个,就以叛国罪把你扔进监狱,明白了吗?

    I don't care who you are. If you breathe a word of what you've seen here, you will do time for treason. Do you understand me?

  • 英语的政治一词,就是源于希腊,城邦

    Observe that the word "Political" derives from the Greek word Polis.

  • 别告诉我,我想大吃一惊。好吧,我一个也不说,你绝对会大吃一惊的。

    Shh! Don't tell me. I want to be surprised. Okay, I won't say a word. Hmm. You will definitely be surprised.

  • 词的对仗有很严格的规定,如果左联上有一,比如“天”,右联必须有个“地”,“雨”对“风”、“红”对“绿”。

    There are certain strict rules to mirror the words, like if there is a character on the left-hand side that saying, sky, for example, there should be one on the right-hand side saying ground, and if there is rain, there is wind. If there is red, there is green.

  • 好吧,宝贝,我有很多事情琢磨,但在我想清之前,你不许告诉莱纳德一个明白了吗?明白。

    Okay, honey, I have a lot to figure out, and until I do, you are not to say a word to Leonard. Do you understand? I do.

  • 再说一个,我就割开你的喉咙,明白了吗?我他妈是来度假的。

    One more word and I'll cut your throat. Understand? This is my fucking vacation.

  • 这是我们的大喜之日,你们给我好好相处,谁再多说一个就别想抱孙子,没错。

    All right, this is our wedding day. From now on everyone gets along, and if I hear one more word. NO GRANDCHILDREN. That's right.

  • 我的手下,是他们写的。每个都是。

    My clerks. They wrote it. Every word.

  • 这并不只是140个符的问题,它只是潜在的140美元,因为这些不能卖出去。

    It's not just 140 characters, it's potentially $140 because they can't make the sale.

  • 或是打一篇4800的小说,也可燃烧200卡。

    Or put those fingers to use by typing out a 4800 word short story, about burning 200 calories.

  • 这笑声很像“哇“这个,是一种,因为正在经历某些事而发出的一种声音,作为你对面前发生的事或是,一些人说的话的反应。

    The laugh is a lot like the "wow." It's that sound you make just because you're experiencing something, just because you're having a response to what's in front of you, something someone says.

  • 有人可能爱玩填游戏,也许每天玩几小时的,填游戏,依然让人兴致盎然。

    Some of you may enjoy doing crossword puzzles, and perhaps doing crossword puzzles a couple hours a day is enjoyable.

  • 而不是忙于记录我说的每一个,记住每一个词,背诵每一句话。

    Not necessarily thinking about getting down every word that I say on paper, remembering everything, memorizing everything.

  • 不行!不行,别再说了,你怎么能这么自私,我在你面前掏心掏肺,你却只说一个不

    No! No. Don't say another word. You're so selfish. I tore my heart out in front of you, and here all you can say is no.

  • 一位大脑遭受部分损伤的病人,这位病人只会说一个,"叹",说起话来这样的,"叹,叹,叹,叹",其他的词全都无法说出

    A patient who had damage to part of his brain and can only say one word, "Tan," and the person would say, "Tan, tan, tan, tan," and everything else was gone.

  • 我把这三条用蓝色强调出来,影像学,生物机械学,和生物分子工程,如果你们继续在耶鲁学习生物医学工程,这些内容是你们必须重点掌握的

    Now, I've highlighted three of these in blue here, imaging, mechanics, and biomolecular engineering because if you go on to study Biomedical Engineering here at Yale anyway, these are the things that you might pick to emphasize on.

  • 这个有两种解译。

    The word can mean either.

  • 我肯定不会泄露一个

    I'm not going to open my mouth.

  • 最后我想你会说,“我真得玩够填游戏了“

    Eventually, presumably, so it seems to me, you'd end up saying, " "I'm really tired of crossword puzzles."

  • 他开头的前几个,或前几行是,他说:,“按惯例。

    The first words or first line out of his mouth or the first lines are " "it is customary," he says.

  • 只是关注了-,这有趣的,三个的组合的反复大量出现。

    Nothing follows from this really--I think-- rather interesting observation that there's a kind of pervasiveness of triadicity.

  • 我确定他会恨里面每一个,但如果能回家……

    I'm sure he'll hate every word, but if it means coming home…

  • 我想不出这儿要用什么。用“接受”如何?对。

    And then I can't think of a good word for right here. How about receiving? Yes.

  • 对于“成功“二,您有什么建议呢?

    What piece of advice do you have about the word "success"?

  • 我想当你用到“市场“二时,听起来跟公共财政就是两码事了,尽管如此,两者仍有关联。

    I guess when you put markets on it that doesn't sound like public finance but, even so, it could.

  • 年轻人比我们更常用那个

    You think young people use that word more than we actually do.

  • 你们看到那个了吗,悸动“,他的忏悔被绝望的虔诚悸动着“

    Do you see that word "throbs"? " A desperate honesty that throbs through his confession."

  • 我不想读到屏幕中打印出来的这行,程序返回过一个我能够使用的值,因为我可以做个小测试,来说明这是否是返回的值,如果不是,我可以做一些其它的事,而这个绑定依然在这儿,没有打印任何东西。

    I don't have to go read what it printed out in the screen. This has returned a value that I can use. Because I could do a test to say, is this a return value? If it's not, I'll do something else with it. So the binding is still there, it simply doesn't print it out.

  • 我想她不会接受这个建议,这可真棘手"棘手"?两个也算贴切。

    I don't think she's gonna take you up on that offer. Isn't this the tricky situation? "Tricky" is one word for it.

  • 起初,我们以为人们只是需要信息而已;,只需找到一个带有关键的网页即可,但实际上并不是。

    Originally, we thought it's information needs only; we just need to find a web page that contains the query word, but it's actually not.

  • 是艾莉丝姑姑,她从五岁起便开始玩牌,她说的每个我们都得牢记在心。

    OK, look. That is Aunt Iris. This woman has been playing poker since she was five. You gotta listen to every word she says. Hi.

  • 走向电梯的速度明显慢,虽然不知道自己被与“老“相关的影射过。

    And they walk significantly slower toward the elevator, not knowing that they were primed with old words.

  • 已过了14分30秒,你却连一也没说,争气点,打破沉闷,微笑。

    Alright, alright, alright. It's been fourteen and a half minutes and you still have not said one word. Oh, god. Do something! Just make contact. Smile.

  • 我们可以写这一行代码,使代码的执行更有效率,但是,这个关键用来把我们的代码分解,成一段段的。

    We could certainly implement this much more efficiently by just writing this one line of code, but, again, the key here is to take this step toward decomposing our code into chunks of code.

  • 我最爱的是乔治·卢卡斯,可以整部《星球大战》说个不停我就说一个,就被流放到了厨房。

    Oh, my favorite, George Lucas can talk all the way through Star Wars, I say one word and I'm banished to the kitchen.

  • 我在唬你们。什么是唬?不就是骗的同义吗?

    I was bluffing. And what is bluffing? Is it not another word for lying?

  • 当看到古希腊语或拉丁语的书这个,他们不会想到这个,他们会想到书卷。

    So when you see the word "book" in ancient Greek or Latin, they didn't think of this. They thought of scrolls.

  • 你现在按照一定模式一位一位的进行排列,如果你组成块,8位一个单位,这时候我们就可以存储和句子以及段落。

    And now that you have patterns of bits after bits after bits, and if you chunk them up into say, eight-unit quantities, now can you start storing words and sentences, and paragraphs.

  • 我勉强听到两个,失望。

    And I could only make out one word. "Disappointed."

  • 天哪!我还害怕高中学的法语都忘干净了呢!你刚才说的每个我都听明白了!

    Oh, my God. I was so afraid I wouldn't remember any of my high school French. But I understood every word you just said.


zì ㄗˋ

  • 用来记录语言的符号:文~。汉~。~符。~母。~典。~句。~里行(háng )间。~斟句酌。
  • 文字的不同形式,书法的派别:草~。篆~。颜~。柳~。欧~。赵~。
  • 书法的作品:~画。~幅。
  • 字的音:~正腔圆。
  • 人的别名,亦称“表~”,现多称“”;商店的名称,亦称“~号”。
  • 合同,契约:~据。
  • 旧时称女子出嫁:待~闺中。
  • 生子,乳,爱:~乳(生育)。~孕(怀孕)。

英语 letter, character, word

德语 Schriftzeichen (S)

法语 caractère,mot



(1) (会意兼形声。从宀( mián)从子,子亦声。在屋内生孩子。本义:生孩子)

(2) 同本义 [give birth to]








(3) 怀孕,体内怀着胎儿 [be pregnant]




(4) 抚养;养育;教养 [bring up]










(6) 教育;教课;传授知识 [teach]


(7) 治理 [govern]


(8) 取名;取表字 [style]




扣其乡及姓字。——· 魏禧《大铁椎传》

(9) 女子许嫁 [girl remain to be betrothed]




(1) 文字(古时单体叫文,合体叫字,后人逐渐不再严格区别) [word;characters]







(2) 表字,人的别名(字和名常有意义上的联系。自称用名,表示谦虚;称人用字,表示尊敬)[another name taken at the age of twenty]




生而首上圩顶,故因名曰云。字 仲尼,姓 氏。——《史记·孔子世家》

陈胜者, 阳城人也,字 。——《史记·陈涉世家》

(3) 名号 [(person's) name and alias]


(4) 用文字写成的凭据、字条或短柬 [receipt;contract]

杨执中又写了一个字去催 权勿用见这字,收拾搭船来 湖州。——《儒林外史》


(5) 字眼,词 [wording;words;diction;words or phrases used in certain context ]


(6) 字迹 [handwriting]


(7) 书法 [calligraphy]。文字的书写艺术;特指用毛笔写汉字的艺术

又有李元中,字画之工,追踪 。—— · 王明清《挥麈三录》

(8) 书法作品 [scripts]

原来是问金冬心的字,我拿去卖了。—— 巴金《秋》


(9) 书信 [letter]



(10) 字体 [form of a written or printed character;style of hand writing]


(11) 字音 [pronunciation of a character]





免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of