1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-10 16:05:37
pīn jiē


join together; montage; put together; joint; join; piece together

montage n.蒙太奇;蒙太奇手法;剪辑

joint n.关节;接头;接合点;连接处;缝合点;公共场所;大麻烟卷;节理;木工中的接合部分;(动物的)大块肉;(肉的)接骨部分

join v.连接;结合;参加;参与;联合;结盟;协同;伴随;与…汇合;接壤;贴合;接合;并入;拼接;上路;上(火车、飞机等)

  • 对高等级公路新老路基拼接地基处理的设计计算进行介绍,可为相关专业的设计与施工提供参考。

    The introduction on design calculation for subgrade process at joint of new and old subgrades on high grade road can provide references for related design and construction.

  • 主要产品包括LED电子屏 、 触控一体机 、 等离子屏及拼接工程.

    Key products include electronic LED screen, one - touch, plasma screens and mosaic works.

  • 风幕陈列柜外观采用优质防撞型材,不变形,耐腐蚀,无缝拼接,外观豪华气派.

    Air Curtain Display Cabinet The material of appearance is collision.

  • 解决的办法只能是先拍摄电影然后对对话进行翻译,再把它剪辑拼接成完整的故事。

    It was only after we shot the film and received the translations of the conversations that we could then piece together the story.

  • 研究子孔径拼接在长平晶测试中的应用.

    The application of sub - aperture stitching in optical flat was researched.

  • 那块木板是用钉子拼接的。

    The plank was spliced with nails.

  • 研制了一种铝蜂窝芯材拼接胶膜.

    A film adhesive for bonding aluminum honeycomb core materials was develope.

  • 2绑定参数vs .字符串拼接

    Binding Parameters vs. String concatenation.

  • 为了演示,本文使用Ubuntu 9.10并拼接它的内核。

    For demonstration purposes, this article USES Ubuntu 9.10 and splices its kernel.

  • 但欧洲犹太人犹如拼接的棉被一般,他们同以色列的结合非常依赖当地情况。

    But European Jewry is a patchwork quilt, where the bond with Israel depends greatly on local conditions.

  • 佛开高速公路路基拓宽采用直接在原路基两侧拼接技术。

    The roadbed broadens the Fokai express highway adopting to split joint directly in the plain on both side of the roadbed.

  • 这个基准测试的关键(如清单1所示)在于将大量的字符串拼接在一起。

    The essence of the benchmark (as seen in listing 1) is to take a couple of strings and concatenate them together.

  • 她非常耐心地拼接拼图。

    She pieced the puzzle with great patience.

  • 计算机对于将基因组拼接成整体也没有限制。

    Computers aren't limited to piecing genomes back together.

  • 拼接胶片需要很多耐心。

    Splicing the film strips together took a lot of patience.

  • 更棒的是,内核拼接只会中断正常系统操作不到一毫秒,守护进程、进程和连接都保持不变。

    Better yet, a kernel splice interrupts normal system operation for a mere fraction of a millisecond, leaving daemons, processes, and connections intact.

  • 接着要建立菱形图素的无缝拼接.

    It could be extremely different to make tile boundaries appear seamless.

  • 提出一种采用标记拼接的新的光学三维传感方法.

    A novel optical 3 - D sensing method using sign mosaics is proposed.

  • 粘结、连接、接头、连接、适配器、卡箍、紧固件、接头、扎带、端子、插头、接头、拼接、紧固件、套筒等。

    Bond, coupling, joint, link, adapter, clamp, fastener, junction, tie, terminal, plug, fitting, splicing, fastener, sleeve, etc.

  • 彼得斯夫人:她正在拼接被子。

    Mrs. Peters: She was piecing a quilt.

  • 他们已着手把宇宙从大爆炸至今的历史拼接起来。

    They have begun to piece together the whole history of the universe, from the big bang to the present day.

  • 他们把录像交给黄伟凯,黄将它们删选,剪辑和拼接成了一部一小时的作品。

    They made their footage available to Mr. Huang, who then chose, edited and ordered the sequences he wanted down to just under an hour.

  • 在研究项目最后,我将这个大自然的拼图游戏一块块地拼接好,也找到了问题的答案。

    At the end of my research project, I put the pieces of this natural puzzle together, and I discovered the answer.

  • 镶嵌在墙上头高近1米的明代石造像,残缺的下部用瓷片和碗底拼接

    The remains of the 1 meter tall statue inlaid on the wall was jointed with ceramic pieces and bowl parts.

  • 只需轻轻地碰一下快门,你就可以不停地连拍并将它们拼接成新的照片。

    With a touch of the shutter button, you can continuously take multiple shots and combines them into a photo collage.

  • 第二天早上,我把所有的碎片都拿到我的酒店房间里拼接起来,就成了我现在穿的裙子。

    The next morning, I just took all the pieces, assembled them together in my hotel room, and this is actually the skirt that I'm wearing right now.

  • 所有拼接打包成一个对象文件,准备注入内核。

    All splices are bundled into a single object file ready to be injected into the kernel.

  • 对于不规则的接头, 应从拼接处的螺栓群对称地向外侧顺序进行紧固.

    To irregular joints, fastness should start from bolts at assembly points to outside symmetrically.

  • 记住,永远都不要简单地拼接文本来创建SQL命令。

    With that in mind, never just concatenate text to create an SQL command.

  • 全新设计的沙发椅+脚蹬,拼接起来可以作为躺椅使用.

    A chair and ottoman can become a chaise when put together.

  • 镜像复制,并拼接到一起?

    Go to mirror an instance of the board and attach it.

  • 在接收 实时 下传的视频图像时, 需要实时生成相应的视频拼接图像.

    In receiving real - time video, mosaic imaging shall be generated in real time.

  • 但Blake通过拼接和再次采样钢琴声(piano line)把它减短了30秒。

    But Blake cuts it short 30 seconds in by splicing and resampling the piano line.

  • 接着,他将其数码化,拼接成一个短小的纪录片。

    He then digitised it and spliced it together into a short documentary.

  • 但是,深谙宣传之道、极富娱乐精神的摩尔却懂得如何拼接镜头以博取眼球。

    But Moore, a master propagandist and incorrigible entertainer, knows how to assemble footage in piquant ways.

  • 因为我们显式地将新变量拼接到现有的语法对象中,所以不会对它们进行重命名。

    Since we explicitly spliced the new variables into the existing syntax object, there is no chance for them to be renamed.

  • 可以用ksplice - remove从内核中删除拼接

    You can redact a splice from the kernel with ksplice-remove.

  • 用修补缝线与拼接保持潮流趋势.

    Utilize repair stitches and patches to keep this trend on target.

  • 本发明使得存储长信息时保留了拼接信息,显示时克服了将长信息分条显示的问题。

    The invention saves the jointing information of the long message and overcomes the problem of long message display while displaying.

  • 两名接待员坐在黑兮兮、凉嗖嗖(没有供暖)的大厅里,膝盖上搭着拼接毛毯。

    Two receptionists sit in the dark, unheated lobby, with matching blankets on their knees.

  • 实现拼接功能的展示柜,满足客户化定制需要.

    Combination Armoire that you can customize to fit room.

  • 如抽象的, 拼接的, 情节性组合的等等.

    If the abstract, mosaic, Plot portfolio and so forth.

  • 周围的乡村是一系列不规则的小块田地相互拼接而成,这些土地中世纪就开垦出来了。

    The surrounding country is an irregular patchwork of small fields, reflecting land use in the Middle Ages.

  • 通过将棉花中的碳与硼拼接,南加州大学的研究人员显着增加了这种常见面料的弹性。

    By splicing the carbon in cotton with boron, researchers at the University of South Carolina have markedly increased this familiar fabric's resiliency.

  • 我们把两块木板拼接起来临时作床用.

    We butted two boards for a makeshift bed.

  • 这些函数执行字符串复制和拼接,不过更不容易出错。

    These functions do string copying and concatenation, but in a much less error-prone way. These functions' prototypes are.

  • 甚至陌生人都看到:冬天,还有人穿着补丁拼接成的背心。

    Even stranger: in winter, some wear quilted vests.

  • 桌子可以用螺丝刀拼接到一起.

    The table can be framed together by using a screwdriver.

  • 本文结合笔者在某高速公路路面拓宽工程的实践,对路面拼接施工技术进行了详细地比较与分析,谨供大家作参考之用。

    Combined with the practice of a highway road widening project, Construction techniques of joint pavement are compared and analyzed in detail for reference.

  • 楼梯板为您提供了一个完整的楼梯系统,您无需用楼梯条和地板拼接来实现您的楼梯铺设。

    Stairboard provide a complete stair system for you, you need not use stair nose and flooring joint for finishing your stair lay.

  • 为了更深入地调查,德雷纳现在正尝试将人类引起口吃的基因拼接到老鼠的DNA上。

    To investigate further, Dr Drayna is now attempting to splice human stutter-causing genes into the DNA of mice.

  • 这是今天最精彩的瞬间——把她拼接好,我们看到了蒙娜丽莎的灿烂容颜。

    "This has been the best bit today - putting her together so we can see the Mona Lisa in all her glory."

  • 网关可拼接两种不同的协议.

    A gateway splices together two different kinds of protocols.

  • 现在让我们来看看JCC跟踪的主体,并试着将一些关键的元素拼接起来。

    Let us now have a look at the body of a JCC trace and try to piece together some key elements.


拼接 pīnjiē

[put together;joint] 接在一起;连接



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of