1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-29 17:08:44
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  • 加拿大的首都是渥太华。

    The capital of Canada is Ottawa.

  • 加拿大的首都是哪里?

    What is the capital of Canada?

  • 这种人口结构的变化给当今的加拿大媒体带来了新的挑战.

    This shifting demographic poses new challenges to today's Canadian media.

  • 马克在加拿大玩得很开心。

    Mark is having fun in Canada.

  • 到2004年为止,她一直住在加拿大

    Until 2004, she lived in Canada.

  • 他们去加拿大的野外划独木舟。

    They went canoeing in the wilds of Canada.

  • 实际上我们不是美国人。我们是加拿大人。

    We're not American, actually. We're Canadian.

  • 这里有一些关于加拿大的事实。

    Here are some facts about Canada.

  • 加拿大9美元, 海外13美元通过国际第一类邮件.

    Canada $ 9, overseas $ 13 via International 1 st class mail.

  • 明天这个时候我就在加拿大了。

    This time tomorrow I'll be in Canada.

  • 美国和加拿大通常夺得大部分的金牌。

    The US and Canada usually hoover up most of the gold medals.

  • 移居加拿大前,他早年生活在斯里兰卡。

    He spent his early life in Sri Lanka before moving to Canada.

  • 表示 二百六十八 加拿大元.

    C $ 268 ( two hundred and sixty - eight Canadian dollars )

  • 加拿大是北美洲的一个国家。

    Canada is a country in North America.

  • 国际运输 ( 除加拿大之外 ) 将被充电以平价的$7.75.

    International shipping ( other than Canada ) will be charged at a FLAT RATE of $ 7.75.

  • 加拿大有更多的湖泊和河流。

    Canada has got more lakes and rivers.

  • 她是加拿大最有希望夺金的选手之一。

    She is one of Canada's best prospects for a gold medal.

  • 他们在加拿大开始新生活。

    They started life anew in Canada.

  • 我是加拿大的一名学生。

    I'm a student in Canada.

  • 迪娜指出加拿大很湿。

    Dina points out that Canada is wet.

  • 我不是美国人,我是加拿大人。

    I'm not American, I'm Canadian.

  • 加拿大订单的运输费用是货到付现款。

    Shipping charges on orders sent to Canada are paid C.O.D.

  • 他申请了在加拿大的居住权。

    He applied for Canadian residency.

  • 加拿大的诽谤法是以英国的习惯法为根据的。

    Canadian libel law is based on English common law.

  • 加拿大被三大洋环绕。

    Canada is surrounded by three oceans.

  • 美国资本家投在加拿大的矿业 、 工业和铁路方面的资本为八亿六千七百二十万美元.

    American capitalists had invested $ 867,200,000 in Canadian mines, industries, and railroads.

  • 我们家族中我叔父的这一支移居到了加拿大

    My uncle's branch of the family emigrated to Canada.

  • 加拿大军队拆除了印度人设置的路障。

    The Canadian army took down the barricades erected by the Indians.

  • 对比之下,加拿大的可比数字是16%。

    By contrast, the comparable figure for Canada is 16 percent.

  • 冰球是加拿大的国家运动。

    Ice hockey is Canada's national sport.

  • 我的祖父母移民到加拿大去碰碰运气。

    My grandparents emigrated to Canada to try their luck there.

  • 同样的情况在加拿大也普遍存在。

    A similar situation prevails in Canada.

  • 这是我姑姑,她是从加拿大过来的。

    This is my aunt who's over from Canada.

  • 佩里在加拿大度过了童年的部分时光。

    Perry spent part of his childhood in Canada.

  • 许多难民被安置到英国和加拿大

    Many of the refugees were resettled in Britain and Canada.

  • 我的姑母住在加拿大

    My aunt lives in Canada.

  • 加拿大企业无力同美国企业正面交锋。

    Canadian business cannot compete head-to-head with American business.

  • 加拿大人计划向索马里南部运送更多的食物。

    The Canadians plan to deliver more food to southern Somalia.

  • 第2版只在加拿大出版。

    The second edition was published only in Canada.

  • 她父母出钱送她去加拿大

    Her parents paid for her to go to Canada.

  • 这家公司竭尽全力抢滩加拿大市场。

    The company is out to capture the Canadian market.

  • 加拿大和安大略政府也将投入95亿来换取12.5%的股份.

    The Canadian and Ontario governments are putting in $ 9.5 billion for a 12.5 % stake.

  • 火炬由加拿大庞霸碟公司设计和组装,一共生产了$12, 000支, 每个接力手人手一只.

    Designed and assembled in Canada by Bombardier, 12,000 were made, one for each runner.

  • 他们移居加拿大,开始了新的生活。

    They emigrated to start a new life in Canada.

  • 加拿大运输是6.00美元划一空邮对于所有其他国际客户供货.

    Canada shipping is $ 6.00 flat rate Air Mail.

  • (不, 如果要运到加拿大,运费会多加5美元).

    No, I will charge an additional US $ 5 if it is delivered to Canada.

  • 泰普莱顿增基金是加拿大被最广泛持有的共同基金, 基金资产约69亿元.

    Templeton Growth Fund is the most widely held mutual fund in Canada, with assets of $ 6.9 - billion.

  • 大量被逐出境的人移居到了加拿大

    Droves of dispossessed people emigrated to Canada.

  • 在他的讲话中,他提到了最近的加拿大之行。

    In his speech, he referred to a recent trip to Canada.

  • 同期,加拿大钾肥的股价也上涨了3倍,至每股241美元的高点.

    The PotashCorp share price also quadrupled a high of $ 241.

  • 那位加拿大代表没给答复。

    The Canadian delegate offered no reply.

  • 货币短期拍卖,同时也是联系着,与加拿大银行,英格兰银行,欧洲中央银行,和瑞士国家银行。

    What the term auction facility it was also created in connection in collaboration with the Bank of Canada the Bank of England the European Central Bank and the Swiss National Bank.

  • 他们相互抵消了,前线战争是由,美国,英国,加拿大,法国,荷兰,丹麦。

    They cancel each other out. So, you know, The frontal of the fighting has been borned by the US, the UK, Canada, France, Holand and Denmark.

  • 他一定是想去加拿大。每次都用同一招。

    I'll bet he's heading for Canada. They always do.

  • 有人来自美国,有人来自加拿大,都为它而来。

    and you had people from the States, from Canada, all flying in for it.

  • 谢尔顿,加拿大攻不到加州的。

    Sheldon, Canada is not going to invade California.

  • 当我初登荧屏之时,满脑子想的都是芭芭拉,举手投足都在刻意模仿芭芭拉,当我播报新闻的时候,把“加拿大”念成了“坎那大”,那就是我模仿芭芭拉的最后时光。

    Although when I first started, because I had Barbara in my head, I would try to sit like Barbara, talk like Barbara, move like Barbara, and then when I was on the news, reading the news, and I called Canada, "Can-a-da" and that was the end of me being Barbara.

  • 我开着它游历了美国和加拿大各地。

    that I've been pulling across the states and Canada.

  • 加拿大你得等上10个星期,核磁共振的工作人员,才能告诉你病因,to,find,out,what’,病情会在10周内变化,情况可能会很糟糕。

    In Canada you wait ten weeks for MRI s wrong with you, now a lot of things can happen in ten weeks and many of them are very bad.

  • 加拿大RIM公司,黑莓手机的制造商,以收益的五十倍,六十倍或者七十倍出售;,当你买那只股的时候,收益可能会上升。

    RIM, the maker of Blackberry, sells for fifty, sixty, seventy times earnings; when you buy that stock, earnings can go up.

  • 加拿大人当然可以研究墨西哥人,德国人也可以研究法国人

    Of course the Canadians can study the Mexicans and the Germans can study the French.

  • 加拿大是一个双语国家,这点对我帮助也很大。

    It also helped me,Canada being a bilingual country,

  • 飞机刚好,在加拿大和美国的边界上坠毁

    The plane crashes exactly on the border of Canada and the United States.

  • 哇!我喜欢这双鞋!你去哪买的?我从eBay网站上买的,这本来属于去世的仙妮亚唐恩(加拿大流行乐天后)的。

    Oh, wow! I love those! Where did you get them? I bought them off eBay. They used to belong to the late Shania Twain.

  • 蒂姆森,马什和斯汤顿研究了下列国家,有比利时,意大利,德国,法国,西班牙,日本,瑞士,冰岛,丹麦,荷兰,英国,加拿大,美国,南非,澳大利亚和瑞典

    Dimson, Marsh and Staunton look at the following countries: Belgium, Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Japan, Switzerland, Ireland, Denmark, Netherlands, UK, Canada, U.S., South Africa, Australia, and Sweden.

  • 同类才能互知,所以加拿大人就不能研究墨西哥人,因为只有同类才能互知

    Takes one to know one; so, you can't be a Canadian and study Mexicans, because it takes one to know one.

  • 所有的这些中央银行,加拿大,英国,欧洲,瑞士,与联邦准备银行聚集到一起,说-明显的他们是担忧,现在正吞没整个世界的金融危机。

    All of these central banks of Canada England Europe and Switzerland got together with the Federal Reserve and said--obviously they were worried about the financial crisis that was engulfing the world.

  • 嗯,对不起,北美能源共同体,与美国与加拿大一道,它们都有石油资源。

    Eh, I'm sorry, north American energy community, with Canada and Mexico, both of which have oil.

  • 加拿大,抵押贷款往往短一些

    In Canada, the mortgages tend to be shorter term.

  • 我出生于加拿大

    I was born in Canada.

  • 也就是这个原因,加拿大要在2011年撤退。

    The canadians will be leaving in 2011 becuase of that.

  • 加拿大,我在温尼伯有个工作机会。

    Canada. I have some opportunities for work in Winnipeg.

  • 我不知道,或许该怪那个以为用半箱汽油可以从纽约跑到加拿大的家伙。

    I don't know, how about the idiot who thought he could drive from Albany to Canada on a half a tank of gas.

  • 每张卡片上都详细介绍了一个场景,每个场景都代表一种可能的末日级灾难,囊括了从森林大火到加拿大的突然入侵。选个灾难吧,随便哪个都行。

    Each of these cards contains a detailed scenario of a possible apocalyptic event. Everything from wild fires to a surprise invasion by Canada. Pick a catastrophe, any catastrophe.

  • 这种语言并不像美国手语,或加拿大魁北克手语那样成熟,尽管如此,这种语言依然拥有词,语法和语音

    It's not a full-blown language like american sign-language or langue des signes quebecoise but it's a language nonetheless, with words and syntax and phonology.

  • 我不知道我有义务分享我跟你喜欢的事物的联系,好吧,你喜欢吃加拿大熏肉,我去过多伦多。

    I didn't realize I was obligated to share my connection with things you're a fan of, but very well. You enjoy Canadian bacon. I've been to Toronto.

  • 他教过书,后来去了英国帝国分校,再后来去了加拿大在McGill得到一个工作。

    He took a job teaching, went to another part of the British Empire and went to Canada, got a job at McGill.

  • 真的吗?你真觉得华盛顿州和俄勒冈州的那帮脓包能挡得住加拿大人吗?

    Yeah, really? You think those hippies in Washington and Oregon can stop them?

  • 加拿大核磁共振医疗设备,的人均使用量,只有美国的一半,在英国,也有一个政府医疗体系,只有美国的四分之一资金。

    The MRIs per capita is about half of that of United States, in Britain, which also has a government health program, there is only about a fourth in the United States.

  • 其中两个和哈里发国的卡拉比年龄相仿。其中一个三周前从阿富汗途径加拿大进入美国境内。

    Two are approximately the same age as the ICO Kalabi, and one entered the United States three weeks ago from Afghanistan by way of Canada.

  • 我在基洛纳上学。是在加拿大的,在不列颠哥伦比亚省。

    I studied in Kelowna. It's a place in Canada, it's in British Columbia.

  • 他们应该会和他们加拿大的家人一起住到战争结束,我要是也能去就好了。

    Off to some family in Canada until the war's over. I wouldn't mind going there.

  • 这里不比纽芬兰沿岸,位于加拿大东海岸外的岛屿,世界最大渔场之一

    This is not the banks of newfoundland and the Greeks do eat fish, but not a lot.

  • 音乐记谱法是西方所特有的,你可以停下好好想想,只有我们这些土生土长的西方人,所谓西方,我指的是美国,加拿大,还有西欧和俄罗斯,包括一部分南美国家,只有我们使用音乐记谱法,并且我们把音乐记谱法应用于高雅音乐

    Musical notation is a particularly Western phenomenon and when you stop and think about it only we in the West, and by West what I mean is the United States and Canada and Western Europe and Russia, parts of South America, only we use musical notation and we use it principally for our high art music.

  • 我和我的朋友,我们在加拿大学习了四个月,

    And me and my friend, we studied in Canada for 4 months

  • 而美国则被孤立了,不和加拿大,墨西哥打交道,事实上这是我们现在该做的,为了能源问题和经济发展。

    With the United States quite isolated, not reaching out to Canada and Mexico, which is one thing we need to be doing for energy and economic reasons.

  • 是的,应该更紧密些,当美国和欧盟,我应该说不仅仅美国,而是加拿大,美国和墨西哥,我们应该加强和墨西哥的外交关系。

    Yes, much more. When the Us and the EU, And I would say not just the US, I would think about Canada, the US and Mexico Because we need to strengthen Mexican diplomacy.

  • 那么,十二岁的时候,我去了加拿大

    So I came to Canada when I was twelve,

  • 他们会葬在加拿大

    Do they bury them in Canada?

  • 其实都是在加拿大多伦多拍摄的。

    they were actually taped,filmed in Toronto, Canada.

  • 在那里数据将切换到跨大西洋海底电缆,最终汇聚到加拿大新斯科舍省的哈里法克斯。

    Where the data packets will be handed off to submerged trans-Atlantic cables, terminating in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

  • 我们上了同一所大学,也参加了同一个到加拿大的交流项目,

    Me and my friend went to the same university and went to the same exchange program to Canada

  • 德安东尼没有叫暂停,猛龙队做好了防守准备,加拿大航空中心的观众都站起来了

    Mike d'antoni won't call time out And let the raptors set up their d. The crowd on its feet here at the air canada centre.

  • 我游览过澳大利亚,我游览过新西兰,我游览过加拿大,我游览过美国,

    I looked at Australia, I looked at New Zealand, I looked at Canada, I looked at the United States,


营业厅 business hall。

补助 v. subsidize; assist; aid; support; grant; supplem

阴茎 n. penis; phallus; dick。adj. penile; phallic。

合肥 n. Hefei (capital of Anhui Province)。

后代 n. offspring; seed; descendant; posterity; progeny

广州市 n. Guangzhou City; Guangzhou; Kwangchow; Canton。

南京 n. Nanjing; Nanking。

语音 n. speech sound; pronunciation。pref. phono-。adj. p

俄语 n. Russian。adj. Russian。

昆明 n. Kunming。

品种 n. variety; sort; breed; strain; type; kind。

意大利语 Italian (language)。

引文 n. quotation; citation; excerpt; quote; passage。

德语 n. German。

南宁 n. Nanning。