1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-20 12:18:41
cì xù


order; sequence; ordering; turn; succession; arrangement

order n.命令;指令;指示;订单;订货;订购;秩序;次序;顺序;规则;法则;阶层;等级;等级制度;社会等级;(秘密)社团;集团;修道会;宗教团体;类;分类;种类;柱型;建筑风格;装饰样式;(生物分类中的)目

sequence n.顺序;连续;次序;一系列事件;场景连续;同花顺;(基因的)排列顺序;数列;一连串镜头

ordering vt.命令;定货;订购;整理;点餐;(order的现在分词)

turn v.使转动;使旋转;转动;旋动(钥匙、把手、开关等);使变成;使成为;使改变方向;转向;拐弯;把…用于;利用;使用;致力于;开始从事;启用;转身;扭转(身体部位);赚得;获得(利润);达到(一定年龄或时间);翻转;翻动;把…翻过来;到达;超过;使松开;释放;以…为中心;围绕;转移(思考、处理、观察等的对象);求助于;求教于;使弯曲;使扭曲;指向;冲着;把…对准;改写;翻译;表演(身体旋转动作);使逆转;翻动(书、页);使反胃;使恶心;变酸;变质;驱赶;打发;放走;扭伤;折起;作呕;改变信仰;皈依;盘算;反复思考;(用车床车)削成;削出

succession n.继承;继任;(尤指王位的)继承权;一系列;一连串;次序;生态演替;轮替;交替;更迭;顺序安排

arrangement n.排列;布局;装饰;布置;配置;安排;安排方式;筹备;协议;约定;商定;预定;调解;解决方案;改编曲;整理好的事物;安排好的细节

  • 这些任务必须按一定次序去执行。

    The tasks had to be performed in a particular sequence.

  • 数据次序重要吗?

    Is data order important?

  • 它们的命名顺序是按字母次序.

    Their sequence in naming follows alphabetical order.

  • 经理将按(到达)先后次序接见这些应征者.

    The manager will interview the candidates in order of arrival.

  • 你会真的认为这些呼唤信号的次序不同,其意义也不同吗?

    Do you really suppose it makes any difference what order these calls come in?

  • 这几页排错了次序

    These pages are out of sequence.

  • 按相反次序;翻转过来

    Inverso ordine in inverse order

  • 不过创建模板的次序很少会与使用模板的次序相同。

    You'll rarely create the template in the same order that you use it, though.

  • 我们要尽可能谨慎和有效地利用时间,这意味着要确定活动的优先次序,以便将大部分时间花在我们真正想要做的事情上。

    We need to use it as carefully and as productively as we can, that means prioritising our activities so that we spend most time on the things we really want to do.

  • 这些页数次序不对。

    The pages aren't in proper order.

  • 英语口语中的重要次序应为: 流利,准确和恰当。

    This order of importance of oral English study should be followed: fluency, accuracy, and appropriateness.

  • (按照优先次序)写下你想具有的品质。

    Write down (in order of priority) the qualities you'd like to have.

  • 任何人都不准不按次序买票.

    No one is allowed to get his ticket out of turn.

  • 矢量相加的次序是无关紧要的.

    The order of adding the vectors is unimportant.

  • 现在需要决定这四个行为的优先次序

    You need to decide the priority of the four behaviors.

  • 矢量相加的次序是无关紧要的。

    The order of adding the vectors is unimportant .

  • 他按先后次序描述了那一天发生的种种事件.

    He described the events of that day in sequence.

  • 注意:在这个向导中,无法设置部署次序

    Note: You cannot set the deploy order in this wizard.

  • 从原稿看案例是按专题安排的而不是按年代次序安排的.

    Manuscripts show cases arranged topically not chronologically.

  • 我让他们做一些小事物,但是我给予了次序

    I let them do some little things but I gave the orders.

  • 跟踪调用各个函数的次序

    Tracking the sequence in which functions are called.

  • 反应的次序是可以加以改变的.

    The order of events may be changed.

  • 只要事实和事实的先后次序便足够了。

    The fact and the order of the fact are enough.

  • 建议和战略之间没有优先次序

    There is no priorization between the recommendations and the strategy.

  • EIP组件负责安排调用的次序

    The EIP Component sequences the calls.

  • 凡事都要规规矩矩地按着次序行。

    Let all things be done decently and in order.

  • 序列的次序无关紧要。

    The order of this sequence is insignificant.

  • 我们需要保持房间的次序

    We need to maintain the order of the room.

  • 信息以不能轻易预见的次序出现。

    Information appears in an order that cannot be anticipated easily.

  • 一个法官按时间次序处理案件。

    A judger dealt with cases in time sequence.

  • 记得要经常调整你的优先次序

    Remember that you can always adjust your priorities.

  • 然而,该地区的城市在公共教育的预算优先次序上有所不同。

    The region's cities differ, however, in the budgetary priority they give to public education.

  • 在这个叙述中,信息可能会以任何次序出现。

    In this narrative, information might appear in any order.

  • 办事应有个先后次序.

    Things should be taken up in order of priority.

  • 次序倒了。

    The order is reversed.

  • 你必须调整你的优先次序,以便有时间做饭。

    You must adjust you priorities to find time to cook.

  • 为了方便,全部应用诸端点的数值次序.

    A numerical ordering of the ends has been used throughout for convenience.

  • 如果你有成倍的电子,按照一定的次序失去它们。

    If you have multiple electrons we can lose them in sequence.

  • 会议的次序已经确定。

    The order of the meeting has been set.

  • 图书馆有一份藏书的目录, 依字母次序编排.

    The library has a catalogue of its books, arranged in alphabetical order.

  • 另一种以更短时间完成更多事情的方法是重新思考如何安排你一天的优先次序——特别是如何制定待办事项清单。

    Another approach to getting more done in less time is to rethink how you prioritise your day—in particular how we craft our to-do lists.

  • 设置系统引导列表次序

    Sets the system boot list order.

  • 大多数咨询工程师可能会认为工作组织得漫无次序.

    Most consulting engineers would consider the work organization disorderly.

  • 我发现一切都无次序.

    I found everything out of trim.

  • 在图形界面首次出现时, 动词 — 对象次序带来的问题就清楚地显现出来了.

    When graphical user interfaces first emerged, it became clear that verb - object ordering created a problem.

  • 他们按照到达的次序发放礼物。

    They handed out gifts in the order of arrival.

  • 按指定主机的次序显示输出。

    Output appears in the order the machines are named.

  • 请按次序排队。

    Please line up in order.

  • 次序倒了.

    The order is reversed.

  • 参考硬件手册来确定正确的按键次序

    Consult your hardware manual to confirm the correct key sequence.

  • 他把书按字母次序排列。

    He arranged the books in alphabetical order.

  • 连接次序指示,强制优化器按照指定次序连接表。

    Join order directives that force optimizer to join tables in the designated order.

  • 作业的序号决定执行次序

    The order number of the job determines the execution order.

  • 因此从理论上说,经过这样短短的两三个步骤,你们就有了分级次序,比我数数快多了,因为我才数到第三四个人。

    And so in theory after just 2 or 3 steps you were in order of magnitude farther along in this counting process than I would be because I'd still be on person literally 3 or 4.

  • 所有零件都是按原来的次序,组合装好的。

    And immediately, all these pieces are in the very same order as my watch.

  • 如果你有成倍的电子,按照一定的次序失去它们。

    If you have multiple electrons we can lose them in sequence.

  • 如果上帝重组了所有构成我肉体的,微粒分子,将它们以正确的次序重组,把大量的钙生分子和,氢分子放在一起,组合起来,将它们以对的次序重组。

    If God gathers up all those small molecules, that had composed my body, reassembles them in the right order and put these calci molecules next to that hydrogen molecules, so forth and so on, reassembles them in a right way.

  • 肯定又是回信来鄙视我之前寄去的几封信里投诉了法院门口的旗子次序是错误的,按照从左到右的顺序 应该先是联邦旗,州旗,最后才轮到帕萨迪纳市旗。

    Undoubtedly another snide response to my repeated letters complaining that the flags in front of the courthouse are flying in the wrong order. From left to right, it's supposed to be federal, state, and then city of Pasadena.

  • 国家安全顾问,和国家安全队伍会一起,讨论我们的优先次序

    The National Security Advisor and the security team get together and say these are our priorities.

  • 如果你将我的肉体,将我原来的分子重组的话,那并不是我的肉体,只有当你以原来的次序重组时,那个才会是我的肉体。

    I would say if you make out of my bodies molecules or a category like that then that's not my body, but if you put them together in a right way, that seems to be like--should be my body.

  • 这几个虾仁大小都一样,吃的时候都找不到一个有逻辑的次序。没多久了。

    These shrimp are all the same size. There's no the logical order to eat them in. Can't be very long.


次序 cìxù

(1) [order]∶排列的先后


(2) [arrangement;sequence]∶安排事物的式样、方式或方法


(3) [result]∶结果;眉目



英语 sequence, order

法语 ordre, suite


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of