1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-12 14:21:00
jù zhào


stage photo; still

still adj.静止的;不动的;定格的;呆照的;安静的;寂静的;平静的;无风的;沉着的;不起泡的;(酒等)不含碳酸气的;无气的;镇定的;未被打扰的

  • 哦, 这我知道,但是剧照我不能发现方法到让你去。

    Oh, this I know, but still I can't find ways to let you go.

  • 剧照,访客可以手表骆驼比赛和一竞赛选择最美丽的骆驼。

    Still, visitors could watch camel RACES and a contest to choose the most beautiful camel.

  • 《透纳先生》的首映礼恰逢英国皇家邮政发行印有《秘密与谎言》剧照的系列邮票。

    The premiere of Leigh's film coincides with the issue of a set of Royal Mail stamps in which Secrets and Lies features alongside nine other British titles.

  • 《绝地归来》的制作剧照显示,博斯克也在贾巴的宫殿和风帆游艇里,但在电影里很难发现他。

    Production photos prove that Bossk was present in Jabba's palace and sail barge during Return of the Jedi, though he is very difficult to spot in the film.

  • 剧照里我们还看到Mary把头发剪短了。

    It also appears that Mary has decided to get her hair cut for this latest case.

  • 他伸手摸起桌上一个照相架,里面是一张他扮演老工人的剧照,相框是古铜色雕花的。

    Fumbling on the table, he took up a carved bronze-colored photo frame containing a stagephoto of himself as a Veteran worker.

  • 这张剧照展示了演员们的精彩表演。

    This stage photo captures the actors' brilliant performance.

  • 近来看了我贴的这些剧照,你是不是有点疑惑.

    You may be confused to see the stills on my blog.

  • 坐在电影中出现的那个炕头上, 可以看到墙上还挂着拍电影的剧照.

    Sitting on the shot in the film, you can see film stills hanging on the wall.

  • 法兰克·傅里叶拍摄了被困在淤泥与倒塌建筑物中的奥马伊拉·桑切斯的悲剧照片。

    Frank Fournier captured the tragic image of Omayra Sanchez trapped in mud and collapsed buildings.

  • 这部纪录片采用了原始剧照和档案胶片。

    The documentary USES original stills and archive footage.

  • 我们需要更多的剧照来宣传这部新戏。

    We need more stage photos to promote the new play.

  • 月的在国外游览假日,或比较好的剧照,结婚,一件不同的物质是吗全部。

    A month's touring holiday abroad, or better still, getting married, is a different matter altogether.

  • 最新剧照中,李宇春头戴宽沿斗笠,身穿素色紧袖上衣,及裸长裤。

    The latest still photos show Li in a broad-brimmed leaf hat, wearing a plain colored, tight-sleeved coat and ankle-length slacks.

  • 请帮我把这部新影片的剧照贴上.

    Please help me to stick the stills from a new film.

  • 主创人发表声明,要求影迷们不要上传剧照,而是耐心等待电影上映。

    Author of the Twilight saga, Stephanie Meyer issued a statement requesting to stop posting photos and to wait for the films.

  • 有风险的塑料制品种类繁多,令人眼花缭乱:早期的收音机、先锋派雕塑、迪士尼电影公司的动画电影剧照、第一颗人造心脏等。

    The variety of plastic objects at risk is dizzying: early radios, avant-garde sculptures, celluloid animation stills from Disney films, the first artificial heart.

  • 随后剧组领导迅速撤下这些剧照,但罗伯特·帕丁森仍然非常愤怒。

    But while Twilight bosses quickly ensured the images were taken down, Robert Pattinson is still fuming.

  • 电影的宣传手段总是包括电影的时髦用语, 预告片, 海报,以及剧照.

    Ways of film promotion always include taglines , trailers, posters and photo gallery.

  • 一睹为快:《权力的游戏》第二季最全剧照

    Sneak Peek: More New Pictures From Game of Thrones Season 2!

  • 大卫要求宝拉提交一些剧照以便他审阅.

    David asked Paula to submit a number of stills for him to look at.

  • 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(左)与柯克·卡梅隆在一代经典美剧《成长的烦恼》中的剧照

    Leonardo DiCaprio, left, with Kirk Cameron on "Growing Pains."

  • 而且如此那冲击以致于主意而且标准的剧照今天和我们在一起.

    And so the impact of that idea and of the standard still is with us today.

  • 我们在排练结束后拍了一张剧照

    We took a stage photo after the rehearsal.

  • 我只是每次路过影院时,看看更换的电影剧照, 因而我对电影还有所了解.

    And I had one movie magazine at home , which a visiting cousin had left.

  • 导演要求每个演员都要有一张单独的剧照

    The director asked for an individual stage photo of each actor.

  • 电影的宣传手段总是包括电影的时髦用语,%预告片,海报,以及剧照

    Ways of film promotion always include taglines, trailers, posters and photo gallery.

  • 电影的宣传手段总是包括电影的时髦用语, 预告片, 海报,以及剧照.

    Ways of film promotion always include taglines , trailers, posters and photo gallery.

  • 在这张老电影的剧照中,一颗新星已闪亮登场。

    The young star is captured in an old film still.

  • 1996年杰西卡·贝尔(照片最左侧)在热门电视剧《七重天》的剧照

    Jessica Biel, left, with the rest of the "7th Heaven" cast in 1996.

  • 它也极大的视频质量,并采取明确的剧照与5议员相机采用16倍速数码变焦。

    Its also great video quality and to take clear stills with the 5 MP camera featuring 16x digital zoom.

  • 这部纪录片采用了原始剧照和档案胶片。

    The documentary uses original stills and archive footage.

  • AMC发布了《行尸走肉》第七季首张剧照

    AMC released key art for Season 7 of The Walking Dead.

  • 我认为这部电影唯一的看点就是大量美丽的沙漠剧照

    I think the only thing that makes the film worth watching are the handful of picturesque stills of the wilderness.

  • 她摺叠了她的手臂而且重新安置了在她的肩上剧照 - 新的背包.

    She folded her arms and resettled the still - new backpack on her shoulders.

  • 这部戏的剧照已经发布在剧院的官网上了。

    The stage photos of the play have been posted on the theater's website.

  • 但是这儿有一张埃迪·雷德梅尼最新接下的一个角色的剧照——扮演一位女子。

    But this is the first photograph of Eddie Redmayne in his latest role... as a woman.

  • 泰伦斯·马利克导演的电影《红色警戒线》的剧照

    A still from Terrence Malick's film version of The Thin Red line.

  • 巅峰影业按照惯例发布了《暮光之城》系列新电影的剧照

    Summit Entertainment and the "Twilight Saga" filmmakers have made a tradition of releasing a new image here and there on major holidays.

  • 影片的主演成龙和他歌手兼演员的儿子房祖名一并出现在剧照中。

    The lead actor, Jackie Chan, and his singer-actor son, Jaycee Chan, were seen in the pictures.

  • 日前, 林嘉欣做人体模特的剧照曝光, 尺度大胆香艳袭人.

    A few days ago, Karena Lam do stills of human exposure models, bold - scale attacks sublime.

  • 裸婚时代,电视剧情及片花剧照,尽在搜视网电视节目搜索专业网站。

    See the latest and most complete nude marriage age, intelligence, and trailers, television stills, all in search Watch TV search professional website.

  • 为了让“哈迷”们先睹为快,华纳兄弟娱乐公司近日公布了哈利·波特与女友的初吻剧照

    And to give fans a feel of what Harrys first kiss is like, Studio Warner Brothers has released a still from the movie showing the boy wizard locking lips with his first girlfriend.


剧照 jùzhào

(1) [stage photo]∶戏剧中某个场面的照片

(2) [still]∶电影中某个镜头的照片



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of