1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-04 10:31:41


subscribe to; book; order; draw up; back-order; reserve; conclude; agree on; make corrections; revise; staple together

subscribe to vphr.订阅;订购;同意;支持;赞成;签署;捐助;定期捐款;认购

book n.书;著作;印刷出版物;电子出版物;册子;笔记本;账簿;工作簿;(长篇作品的)篇;卷;指南;剧本;歌本;(顾客或雇员)名册;赛马投注记录薄;赌注记录

order n.命令;指令;指示;订单;订货;订购;秩序;次序;顺序;规则;法则;阶层;等级;等级制度;社会等级;(秘密)社团;集团;修道会;宗教团体;类;分类;种类;柱型;建筑风格;装饰样式;(生物分类中的)目

draw up vphr.起草;拟定;制定;停下;使停下;靠边停车;使靠边停车;停住;使靠近;站直;使站直;坐直;使坐直

back-order v.订(期货)

reserve v.预订;保留;留出;储备;专门留给;把…专门留给;留存;保持;秘而不宣;登记以便将来使用(或考虑);对(从事重要文职的人)免于征兵;(为仪式后施给病人等)留出(部分圣餐);(在印染、陶器着色等中)对…作防染处理

conclude v.(使)结束;总结;作出结论;得出结论;推断;断定;订立(协议);缔结(协定);履行;达成;完成;终止;闭幕;(以…)作为结束;(以…)告终

agree on vphr.就…达成一致;在…上取得共识;对…表示同意;同意;对某事有同样看法;对某物有同样看法;商定(同意)某事

revise v.修改;修正;校订;调整;更正;订正;复习;温习;校正;改写;更新;改进;重新考虑;改变意见或计划

  • 订书机

    stapler bookbinding machine 用来装订书籍、纸张等的工具

  • 订单

    order for goods;order form 企业采购部门向原材料、燃料、零部件、办公用品等的供应者发出的定货单

  • 订户

    subscriber 预定报刊的人 a person or household with a standing order for milk etc. 因定购而得到定期供应商品的人或单位。如杂志的用户等

  • 订一个包间

    book a room

  • 订婚

    be engaged;be betrothed to be married 订立婚约

  • 订船位

    book a passage (to)

  • 订颁

    promulgate 订定,颁布

  • 订正

    make correction;amend 校正错误文字

  • 订报

    take in a paper;take a paper 预订报纸

  • 订阅

    subscribe to a newspaper;subscribe to periodica 订购 [报刊]

  • 订交

    become friends;make friends with 结为朋友

  • 订货

    order goods 订购产品或货物

  • 订约

    close;conclude a treaty 订立条约或契约

  • 订学报

    subscribe to a university journal

  • 订立

    conclude;contract;complete;clinch 用书面形式肯定条约、合同等

  • 订购

    order;place an order for 预先约定购买

  • 订钱

    arles 为确定一项交易而预付的钱

  • 欲看演出,从速票,以免失望。

    Book early for the show to avoid disappointment.

  • 一定是搞错了—我以为我的是更小型号的。

    There must be some misunderstanding—I thought I ordered the smaller model.

  • 如果你不及早预,这些项目可能会被完。

    If you don't book early, the programs may become fully booked.

  • 我可以星期五的票吗?

    Can I make a booking for Friday?

  • 假设您要找到所物品的名称。

    Suppose you want to find out the name of the item ordered.

  • 图书馆有哪些报刊?

    Which journals does the library subscribe to?

  • 我们一份外卖比萨饼吧。

    Let's send out for a pizza.

  • 那么我们至少得多少呢。

    B: What is the minimum we would have to order.

  • 他们为我们好了旅馆并安排了租车事宜。

    They booked our hotel, and organised car hire.

  • 你得为自己一些长期目标。

    You need to set yourself some long-term goals.

  • 对不起,早班的机票已完。

    Sorry, we've booked off the morning flight.

  • 谨此欣然奉告,您所的书已到。

    I am pleased to inform you that the book you ordered has arrived.

  • 你可以帮我房间吗?

    Can you help me make room reservation?

  • 你最好赶快去贡多拉!这就像一个大型的水下派对!遗憾的是,派对可能很快就要结束了。

    Better book your gondola soon! It's like a big underwater party! Sadly, the party might be over soon.

  • 今天上网就可以退

    Go to the website today and you can unsubscribe online.

  • 旅馆之前,先机票。

    Book your ticket before you book your hotel.

  • 也许我们应该先一张桌。

    Maybe we should book a table.

  • 她来到车站,去了票处.

    She came to the station and went to the booking office.

  • 你认为我们应该早点机票吗?

    Do you think we should book the plane tickets early?

  • 乘客取消航班位,定金概不退还。

    If you cancel your flight, you will forfeit your deposit.

  • 我们的货他们无法供应。

    They can't supply our order.

  • 不,不,不,根据我们的记录,有一间五人房是用你的名字的。

    No, no, no, according to our records, a room for 5 guests was booked under your name.

  • 但最近我不会在附近任何匹萨。

    But I would not be ordering any pizzas around here lately.

  • 我们不会在凌晨2点披萨。

    We won't order pizza at 2 a.m.

  • 我一个月前在你们网站上了《良好沟通》这本书。

    I ordered the book 'Good Communication' from your website a month ago.

  • 她和他哥哥了婚。

    She was betrothed to his brother.

  • 我想一张今晚8点钟的二人餐桌。

    I'd like to book a table for two for 8 o'clock tonight.

  • 票是明智的。

    Early booking is advisable.

  • 今晚我要个披萨庆祝一下。

    Tonight I'm going to have a pizza delivered to celebrate.

  • 这枚戒指是为她做的。

    The ring was specially made for her.

  • 我们的书钉用完了。

    We ran out of stap.

  • 他想一些木制家具。

    He wanted to order some wooden furniture.

  • 你可以只一本也可以想多少多少。

    You can order just one book or as many as you want.

  • 我们需要提前房间。

    We need to make room reservation in advance.

  • 你以什么名字的房?

    What name is the booking for?

  • 我可以再一份。

    I can order another one.

  • 戈德林了他能到的最早一班船的铺位。

    Goldring booked a berth on the first boat he could.

  • 一个成人只能一张儿童票。

    One adult could only book one child ticket.

  • 团体座可享受折扣价。

    Those booking a block of seats get them at reduced rates.

  • 等你下次要旅行的时候再重新付费。

    Restart the cover the next time you book a trip.

  • 今年春节的家庭晚餐,我儿子在镇上最好的餐馆了桌。

    For this year's Spring Festival family dinner, my son has booked a table at the best restaurant in town.

  • 你能把书钉递给我吗?

    Can you pass me the stap?

  • 我可以一间双人房吗?

    Can I book a double room?

  • 我们必须生产指标.

    We must draw up production targets.

  • 她们不喜欢晚饭,就披萨。

    They don't like dinner, they order pizza.

  • 目标决不会为时过晚。

    It is never too late to reformulate your goals.

  • 你们什么时候的婚?

    When did you get engaged ?

  • 在集装箱进港时如实准确填报各项数据资料,且与舱信息一致。

    All information provided when container gate-in terminal is accurate as well as in accordance with S/O data.

  • 你为什么不一张去加拿大温哥华的机票呢?

    Why don't you book a flight to Vancouver, Canada?

  • “我们在那儿是不上座了。”——“那可不一定。”

    "We'll never get a table in there"— 'Don't bet on it.'

  • 让我们为这笔交易一份合同。

    Let us make out a contract for the deal.

  • 你们送来的产品不是我的东西。

    The Product you sent to me is not what I ordered.

  • 我刚在亚马逊上了一箱炖牛肉罐头和两只活龙虾。

    I just ordered a case of Dinty Moore beef stew and two live lobsters on Amazon.

  • 比如你了一个人生计划,然后,虽然你还没有死。

    You make a life plan, and then, you know, you don't die yet.

  • 巨著的后半篇幅,转向不同,但绝对同等重要的方向,可所需花费的时间,将远超过我们课堂所的时间。

    The second half of the book turns in somewhat different, certainly equally important directions, but would take us much more time than the time we have allotted to deal with.

  • 正义由规则组成,也就是说,由统治阶级所定,且对其有利。

    Justice consists of the rules, that is to say, that are made by and for the benefits of the ruling class.

  • 在24章中,以色列人聚集在示剑重契约,约书亚代表以色列人重述了上帝无上的契约,并劝告他们选择将要侍奉的神灵:,耶和华,已经为他们做了这么多分外之事,以及他们迁入土地上的神灵。

    In 24, the Israelites are assembled at Shechem to renew the covenant and Joshua recounts God's mighty deeds on behalf of Israel and exhorts them to choose whom they will serve: Yahweh, who has done all of this for them so undeservedly, or the gods of those whose lands they are settling in.

  • 何不去给你们一起个浪漫的SPA?

    Oh, hey. Why don't you book a date for both of you at one of those romantic spas?

  • 了一百五十人份的鸡肉,沙拉和蛋糕。

    I've ordered chicken and salad and cake for 150.

  • 了些巧克力派,你们能帮我去取过来么?

    You guys, I ordered some chocolate pies from that bakery on Bleeker. Could you pick them up for me?

  • 噢,天啊,有人刚了一千个佩妮花花。

    Holy crap. Someone just ordered a thousand Penny Blossoms.

  • 你在法国餐厅早餐?

    You ordered from magna cum latte?

  • 我可以帮你帮你出时间表,盯着你乖乖照做,我自己也有事做了。

    I'll help you. Yeah, I'll make up a schedule and make sure you stick to it. And plus, it'll give me something to do.

  • 我们下个月全部都被满了。

    We're booked solid for the next month.

  • 了票去参观克拉伦斯王府,查尔斯王子在那里做有机园艺工作。

    I booked tickets to see Clarence House where Prince Charles does organic gardening.

  • 对,瑞德,薇诺娜瑞德要六个位子,谢谢,到位子了。太好了。

    That's right, Ryder. Winona Ryder for six. Thank you. Yeah, we have the reservations. Yes.

  • 我也要,还能再个牛排,配上一份海鲜牛排。

    Well, I'll be. Look, you can throw in a couple steaks and have a surf and turf.

  • 对,但你说了特别的东西,还没送来?

    Yeah, but remember you said you ordered something special, and it just hasn't come yet?

  • 不是,不是,这不是我要的。

    No, no, this is not what I ordered, okay?

  • 这间房是花园景观,我们的是观海房。

    This is a garden view room, and we paid for an ocean view room.

  • 我们只了一个!

    We only ordered one.

  • 你可以到郁金香和鲑鱼,鲑鱼喔。

    You could have tulips, you could have salmon. Salmon.

  • 它可以坚持用10分钟,之后就会从那个廉价书钉里掉出来。

    That was good for about 10 seconds before it snapped out of that cheap little staple they put it in there with.

  • 了星期天晚上的餐厅,厄尼之家,九点行吗?

    Hey. Hey. So, I got us reservations for Sunday night, okay. How about Ernie's at 9:00?

  • 比如你了一个一生的计划,写下你一生想实现的事情,显而易见我们中有些人会死得太早,死得太早并不是说,生活还有美好的事情“,死得太早是因为,你还没有实现你的人生计划。

    You make a life plan, what you want to accomplish in your life, and well, obviously enough, some of us will die too soon, not just in terms of, "oh, well, life still could've had good things," but too soon in terms of you didn't get where you wanted to get in terms of your life plan.

  • 你有,但他们要你换桌。闭嘴,莫妮卡。

    You had a big table but they made you move. Shut up, Monica.

  • 楼上的场地不错,也许我可以试试再把那个场地下来

    It had a nice room upstairs, so maybe I'll try to get that one again.

  • 他们有很多的时间去关注监视器和,其他类似的东西,从政府政策,和银行政策的角度出发,我在想,错价格的风险等议题,和其他很多信息能否让,大众,普通人更广泛地接触到?

    They have a lot of time to look in monitor and analogues. And from a government policy perspective and a banking policy I wander whether the issue of risk of mispricing and so forth had much of the information been more generally available to the average public average person?

  • 某位阿拉伯的酋长花了一亿英镑,买了那套公寓里的顶层套间,这个酋长还了架空客,就是那种大型空客,作为私人飞机,还镀上了金叶子

    Some Arab Sheikh just paid one hundred million pounds for that apartment-- that penthouse apartment-- in that building and the same Sheikh is ordering a Airbus for his-- one of these big Airbus airplanes-- for his personal plane and he's having it plated with gold leaf.

  • 或者,我们可以披萨?

    Alternatively, we could order a pizza?

  • 这个 付款方式是货到付款。看是谁的东西

    That one. Payment type is cash upon pickup. Who's that for?

  • 我去明早离开的机票。

    I'll book us some flights out for the morning.

  • 他说,如果我们见火就扑,那就没人会我们的服务了。

    If we responded to all fires, he said, there would be no incentive to subscribe.



dìng ㄉㄧㄥˋ

  • 改正,修改:~正。考~。校(jiào )~。修~。
  • 约定,立(契约):~立。~购。~约。
  • 用线、铁丝、书钉把书页、纸张连在一起:装~。
  • 制定:~计划。
  • 评议:“两刃相割,利钝乃知;二论相~,是非乃见”。

英语 draw up agreement; arrange

德语 buchen (V)

法语 conclure (un accord)​,signer,s'abonner à,relier,commander





(1) (形声。从言,丁声。本义:评议)

(2) 同本义 [appraise through discussion]




(3) 又如:订铨(评议衡量);《订鬼篇》

(4) 改正,修正 [correct]



(5) 又如:订顽(改正愚顽);修订

(6) 达成协议订立;使生效 [conclude]。如:订交;订婚

(7) 预先约定 [order] 如:订购;订阅

(8) 把零散的纸张、书页加工成本 [binding] 如:装订;订书



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of