1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-14 10:21:45
qū jiān


interval; range; section; zone; span; region

interval n.间隔;间歇;暂停;间隔时间;休息时间;时间差;空间距离;幕间休息;音程

range n.范围;界限;视觉(或听觉)范围;射程;射击距离;一系列;成套产品;系列商品;山脉;牧场;牧区;靶场;射击场;炸弹试验场;(尤指旧时的)炉灶;一排建筑物;(飞机等交通工具的)续航距离;(感情或行为的)波动范围

section n.部分;部门;科室;区域;横截面;细分;分段;地块;(组织、机构内的)派别;(法律文件的)条款;(报纸的)栏目;乐章;(戏剧的)幕;车厢;路段;病区;专区;专柜;展区;车间;年级部;声部

zone n.区;地带;特定区域;(尤指有别于周围的)部分;气候带;生态带;时区;行政区;控制区;防守区(体育用语);座席区(如剧院内);(Zone)<塞>佐内(人名)

span n.跨度;范围;跨距;宽度;[空]翼展;全长;持续时间;时间阶段;拉紧;张紧;指距;一拃宽;一群;一伙;小范围;短距离;(桥或拱的)墩距;套上(马等);一段时间(尤指人的一生);一批人;一系列;一连串;手掌宽(作为长度单位);<南非口>很;非常;跨绳;[数]生成空间;缚住;扎牢;短促的时间;共轭马;共轭骡;共轭牛

region n.区域;(一国除首都以外的)全部地区;(通常界限不明的)地区;地带;领域;范围;行政区;地方;部位;身体部位;界;分区;地理区域;生态区;气候带

  • 因此答案并不在这个区间

    So it wasn't on the region.

  • 不适感位于肩胛区间.

    Discomfort may be localized in the intrascapular area.

  • 整数把数轴分成无穷多个半开区间.

    The integers divide the number line into infinitely many half - open intervals.

  • 您能看到你处于这个区间的哪里吗?

    Can you see yourself falling somewhere in that range?

  • 先驱者和演替植物群落据说是以1-500年的时间区间变化的。

    Pioneer and successional plant communities are said to change over periods from 1 to 500 years.

  • 中国铁建的IPO定价居于指导价格区间的最上端。

    The CRC IPO was priced at the top end of the indicative range.

  • 麻烦在于,这些区间很宽。

    The trouble is those ranges are wide.

  • 区间可能包含不止一个列或一个行。

    Ranges may consist of more than a single column or a single row.

  • 如果将这个范围划分为10个区间,你发现自己处于第7位,那么试图说服处于第1位的人就没有什么意义了。

    If you divide this spectrum into 10 units and you find yourself at Position 7, then there is little sense in trying to convince someone at Position 1.

  • 置信区间是所确定的估计值的取值范围.

    The confidence interval is the range of the estimate we are making.

  • 这是一种用来产生置信区间的通用技术。

    It is the best general technique for producing confidence intervals.

  • 最激烈的争论往往发生在处于这个范围两端的人之间,但最频繁的学习则发生在处于附近区间的人身上。

    The most heated arguments often occur between people on opposite ends of the spectrum, but the most frequent learning occurs from people who are nearby.

  • 你需要在两个区间之间找到一个合适的时间。

    You need to find a suitable time between the two intervals.

  • 使用非常数检验我们失掉了估计区间的灵敏性.

    We use nonparametric tests, we lose sharpness in estimating intervals.

  • 平均值为200,区间为178到248。

    The average here was 200, with a range from 178 to 248.

  • 目标区间足够大,可以支持盈利。

    Target segment is large enough to be profitable.

  • 被积函数必须在区间内连续。

    The integrand must be continuous over the interval.

  • 对于此示例,我们将使用一年的变化区间检索历史记录。

    For this sample, we'll retrieve the history using a sliding interval of one year.

  • 这种经验分析方法缩小了估计的区间

    This empirical approach has narrowed the range of estimates in some areas.

  • 库兹韦尔估计,在几年内,价格区间将低到足以让每所学校和图书馆都拥有一个。

    Within a few years, Kurzweil estimates, the price range will be low enough for every school and library to own one.

  • 该控制方程是线性区间方程组。

    These equations are interval linear equations.

  • 清单和区间碎片都可以用于片段索引。

    Both list and interval fragmentation can be used to fragment indexes.

  • 一般认为在某一区间内连续的函数有特别好的状态.

    Functions which are continuous on an interval are usually regarded as especially well behaved.

  • 然而,玻璃制品在厚度上发生了巨大变化:从单一的6.8毫米变为亚毫米级至25毫米区间的任意厚度。

    However, the product has changed dramatically, from a single thickness of 6.8 mm to a range from sub-millimeter to 25 mm.

  • 电影中间有一个短暂的区间

    There is a short interval in the middle of the movie.

  • 区间OC叫做相关域.

    The interval OC is known as the domain of dependence.

  • 这个函数在不同的区间上是分段的。

    The function is defined piecewise over different intervals.

  • 把〔a, b〕 分为一串充分小的小区间.

    Break up the interval ( a, b ) into small enough intervals.

  • 这样的数据显示,经济没有滑入衰退区间

    This data refuses to slip into recession territory.

  • 在各个地区间食物能得以广泛地交流.

    There is much interchange of foods between different regions.

  • 在这段时间区间内,我们可以休息一下。

    We can take a break during this time interval.

  • 我们在两个会议之间有一个小时的区间

    We have a one-hour interval between the two meetings.

  • 为什么外资被引至房产市场的低收入区间

    Why did foreign money gravitate to the low income segment of the housing market?

  • 地球表面任何地区间的压力差都可以直接或间接地测算出来.

    All pressure differences between places on the earth's surface can be traced , directly or indirectly.

  • 有时公司利用区间向更大的人口统计群营销。

    Sometimes companies use segments to market towards larger demographics.

  • 这个函数在这个区间上单调地增加。

    The function increases monotonically over the interval.

  • 不同地区间的经济不平衡

    economic inequalities between different areas

  • 从1980年的人口普查中可以看出,随着美国东北部和中西部的人口增长接近停滞,地区间的竞争越来越激烈。

    Emerging from the 1980 census is the picture of a nation developing more and more regional competition, as population growth in the Northeast and Midwest reaches a near standstill.

  • 表达置信区间通常使用平均误差,而不使用具体数值.

    We will express the confidence interval in standard errors rather than in numerical values.

  • 一辆区间公交车频繁地往返于这家旅馆和那个乡村俱乐部。

    A shuttle bus runs frequently between the Inn and the Country Club.

  • 好,我设置我的程序去,哪个区间找答案来着?

    Well, what — where did I tell my program to look for an answer?

  • 在电流中断后的一系列短区间上读出瞬变电压.

    The transient voltage is read at closely spaced intervals after termination of the current.

  • 鲍尔曼曾研究过道格拉斯冷杉种子产量地区间的差异.

    Bolman has studied regional variation in Douglas fir seed yields.

  • 置信限是指置信区间的界限.

    Confidence limits are the upper and lower limits of the confidence interval.

  • 图表在区间内显示了一个正弦的函数。

    The graph displayed a sinusoidal function over the interval.

  • 在中间有一个完整的区间

    But, there's a whole range in between.

  • 根据这些特点把区间分开。

    Then separating these segments in the market based on these characteristics.

  • 这也证明预估价是处在一个比较合理的区间

    This also means the estimates were set at a sensible level.

  • 它可能会阻碍地区间的商业、服务和交通的自然流通。

    It may distort the natural flow of commerce, services and transport.

  • 很多专家现在认为,这一比率处于40%的区间内。

    Many experts now believe the rate is in the 40% range.

  • 一辆区间往返公共汽车频繁地往来于小客栈与乡村俱乐部之间。

    A shuttle bus runs frequently between the inn and the country club.

  • 火车每隔十分钟就有一个区间

    The train has a ten-minute interval.

  • 因此答案并不在这个区间

    So it wasn't on the region.

  • 从隔夜拆借利率到三月远期利率这段区间内,利率期限结构没有上扬

    So, you can see the term structure doesn't go up between overnight and three months.

  • 我们则跳过比猜想数小的那个区间,然后我们重复这一过程,跟之前我们讲过的,递归思想非常类似,我们解决问题的时候,先把问题一步步变小,然后解决小问题。

    So this is very similar, this is a kind of recursive thinking we talked about earlier, where we take our problem and we make it smaller we solve a smaller problem, et cetera.

  • 去学习的二分搜索是有联系的,这种方法的基础思想,是我们有一个线性的序集,我们也明白答案在其中的某一段区间

    And the basic idea was that we had some sort of a line and we knew the answer was somewhere between this point and this point.

  • 但是排除45到67的第二个区间时,还牵涉到了别的内容

    But the second slice, strategies 45 through 67, getting rid of those strategies involves a little bit more.

  • 如果我要求平方根的数小于,我就知道我们的答案应该,在0-1这个区间了,对不对?

    Then if I'm looking for the square root of something less than 1, I know it will be in my region, right?

  • 它产生的力可能会渐渐消失,力的曲线可能不是一条直线,而有轻微的弯曲,每个弹簧都有一个线性区间,在这一区间内,力和伸长量是线性关系

    The force may taper off, the force may not be given by a straight line, but for modest deformations, every spring will have a linear regime in which the force is linearly proportional to the stretching.

  • 这样我们又剔除了,参与人小于5/4大于6/4的策略,参与人I只有1?的区间,同理可证参与人II

    So we're throwing away all of the strategies less than 5/4 for Player I and bigger than 6/4 for Player I, which is 1? for Player I and similarly for Player II.

  • 他们想,确定收益区间的跨度。

    What they are trying to determine is how wide is the band of outcomes.

  • 因此基础的思想是对的,但是程序没能满足,正确答案在给定的区间内这个条件,对不对?

    So the basic idea was fine, but I failed to satisfy the initial condition that the answer had to be between the lower bound and the upper bound. Right?

  • 好,我设置我的程序去,哪个区间找答案来着?

    Well, what-- where did I tell my program to look for an answer?

  • 就是当我们处理数字的时候,所称的二分检索,在二分法搜索中,我需要记录区间的开始点和尾点,初始化的时候就是-,问题输入的开始点和尾点,当我开始做测试的时候,我想要做的就是去取中值点。

    In binary search-- ah, there's that wonderful phrase, this is called a version of binary search just like you saw bin-- or bi-section methods, - when we were doing numerical things- in binary search, I need to keep track of the starting point and the ending point of the list I'm looking at.

  • 我要打印出来的是,每次的区间,也就是first和last指向的值,以及重复多少次了。

    And I'll remind you, what I'm printing out there is first and last, with the range I'm looking over, and then just how many times the iteration called.

  • 就像刚定义的,是一个离散型随机变量,随机变量还可以有无限种取值,也就是连续型随机变量,随机变量可以取某一区间的一切值

    You have discrete random variables, like the one I just defined, or there are also--which take on only a finite number of values-- and we have continuous random variables that can take on any number of values along a continuum.

  • 在中间有一个完整的区间

    But, there's a whole range in between.

  • 这个线性区间是有序的,也就是说两者相比,大的在小的的右边。

    The line is totally ordered. And what that means, is that anything here is smaller than anything to its right.

  • 如果我知道目标数可能,再比中值点大的区间里,我可能就会把开始点设为中值点,而尾点不变,如果在小的那个区间里,就保持开始点不变而把尾点设为中值点,你们可以看到这儿的代码,就是这么做的,对不对?它是怎么做的?

    And when I do this test, what I want to do, is say I'm going to pick the middle spot, and depending on the test, if I know it's in the upper half, I'm going to set my start at the mid point and the end stays the same, if it's in the front half I'm going to keep the front the same and I'm going to change the endpoint.

  • 读取数组中的第i个元素,是个常量时间的操作的话,我也就能像以前那样得到,这个算法是对数级复杂度的分析,并且每一步不管我选择哪个区间,我都可以把问题的规模缩小一半。

    With this, if I can assume that accessing the i'th element of a list is constant, then you can't see that the rest of that analysis looks just like the log analysis I did before, and each step, no matter which branch I'm taking, I'm cutting the problem down in half.

  • 答案超出了这个区间,因为0。25的平方根会比0。25大,是应该比0。25大对不对?

    It was over here. Because the square root of a quarter is not smaller than a quarter it's bigger than a quarter. Right?

  • 这次搜索的区间

    Notice the printout here.

  • 所以在这个区间内我最佳对策是中

    So over here, my best response is to choose Middle.

  • 这些有理数是有序排列的,然后我们的想法是,首先在中间取个数作为猜想数,然后对这个猜想数进行验证,如果由猜想数得到的答案太大,我们知道应该跳过,比猜想数大的那个区间,如果太小的话。

    And that idea was, we make a guess in the middle, we test it so this is kind of a guess and check, and if the answer was too big, then we knew that we should be looking over here. If it was too small, we knew we should be looking over here, and then we would repeat.

  • 半数基金收益都集中于0.5%大小的区间

    Half of the returns are within a spread of a half-percent.

  • 我们今天所有的探测仪器十分有限,实际上我们要用我们的眼睛来观测,这意味着我们只能看到,电磁谱中的可见光区间

    So, our detection devices are a little bit limited here today, we're actually only going to be using our eyes, so that means that we need to stick with the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum.


区间 qūjiān

[part of the normal route (of a bus,etc.)] 某一整体内的一个分段




免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of