1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-19 09:17:01


friend; companion; comrade; Peng (a surname)


ally with; band together; gang up

friend n.朋友;友人;支持者;知己;挚友;好友;伙伴;同盟者;同伙;同志;赞助者;教友派信徒

companion n.同伴;伙伴;朋友;伴侣;旅伴;同行者;同甘共苦的伙伴;指南;手册;导游书;参考书;成对物之一;成套物之一

comrade n.(共产党或社会主义政党的)同志;同党;战友;伙伴;朋友;同事

ally with 与...结盟;使结盟;使…与…联姻

band together 联合起来;团结起来

gang up 拉帮结伙;联合起来;串通起来

  • 朋辈

    friends of one's generation 同辈的友人;志同道合的友人

  • 朋比为奸

    act in collusion with;conspire;gang up 勾结在一起或组成集团干坏事

  • 朋党

    clique;cabal 集团,派别,多为争夺权利、排斥异己互相勾结而成

  • 朋僚

    colleague 同僚 friend 朋友

  • 朋友

    friend 除情人或亲属之外彼此有交情的人 boy friend ;girl friend 恋爱的对象 aides and staff 指幕友

  • 冈崎也: 也是男主角.

    Okazaki Tomoya: Tomoya is the male protagonist.

  • 印度的乞拉齐,海拔高度1290米,每年的降水量全球最高。

    Cherrapunji, India, 1, 290 meters above sea level, receives the most largest annual rainfall in the world.

  • 出卖有的人实际上是自贬身份。

    A man who betrays a friend abases himself.

  • 最初是克摇滚乐促使他正式加入了乐队。

    It was punk that first moved him to join a band seriously.

  • 他可以从球回来帮助您。

    He can come back from the Moon and help you.

  • 威瑟斯:“我们的收音机提供给了没有渠道获取国际新闻资讯的人们。”

    THOMAS WITHERSPOON: "our radios are going to people who have no other source of international news and information."

  • 克乐之后,摇滚乐已经变得太商业化、太保守了。

    Rock'n'roll has become so commercialized and safe since punk.

  • “这全视乎你对克摇滚乐的定义,不是吗?”

    It all depends on your definition of punk, doesn'tit?

  • 员工反映,高说裁员是公司机构重组计划的一部分。

    GaoPeng said the cuts were needed as part of an organizational restructuring, according to the employee.

  • 引起争议的琼斯牧师和他的助手萨普在密西根州的迪尔不受欢迎。

    The message of controversial Pastor Terry Jones, and his associate Wayne Sapp, was not welcome in the town of Dearborn, Michigan.

  • 当他得知他最好的欺骗了他时,暴跳如雷。

    He was on the rampage when he got to know, that his best friend had deceived him.

  • 但是高之前关于建立一个理解当地市场的公司的尝试已经失败了。他补充说。

    But the company's previous attempts have failed to build a company that understands the local market, he added.

  • 我从未真正喜欢过克摇滚乐。

    I was never really into punk.

  • 当晚将为所有的校友提供与老友重聚与新共欢的机会。

    The evening offers all alumni a chance to reconnect with old friends and meet new contacts.

  • 我从未真正喜欢过客摇滚乐。

    I was never really into punk.

  • 今日因缺少友,我可以哀伤悲痛,我也可以兴奋不已,因为我能去发掘新的感情关系。

    Today I can mourn my lack of friends or I can excitedly embark upon a quest to discover new relationships.

  • 现在是查看你的雷网账户余额的最好时机。

    Now is a good time to check if you have any money left on your Ray Ban sale spending account.

  • 请仔细研究它们,不枉雷眼镜为延长您的眼镜寿命所做出的努力.

    to examine them will be worth the effort to cheap ray banWayfarer prolong the life of your glasses.

  • 威瑟斯:“我们的收音机提供给了没有渠道获取国际新闻资讯的人们。

    THOMAS WITHERSPOON: "Our radios are going to people who have no other source of international news and information.

  • 摇滚乐自从克乐以后就已经过于商业化而缺乏新意了。

    Rock'n'roll has become so commercialised and safe since punk.

  • 她很外向,喜欢交结友。

    She is such a gregarious and outgoing person.

  • 为了找到小狗,是怎么做的?

    What did Pongo do in order to find the puppies?

  • ‘鹏’又音同‘’字,意寓友谊,蕴含着澳中两国人民以及企业之间紧密的合作关系。” “显然,这次征名大赛激发了中国民众的想象力。”

    The name Peng Peng also means friendship and as such conveys the deep people to people and business links that exist between Australia and China.

  • 自远方来,不亦乐乎?

    Is it not delightful to have friends coming from afar?

  • 到了20世纪80年代, 克摇滚乐已经到了全盛时期.

    By the 80 s, punk rock had really had its heyday.

  • 他们没有对媒体表示什么,也没有对聚集在迪尔警察局外的群众说任何话。

    They did not talk to the media, or the crowd of onlookers who gathered outside the Dearborn police station.

  • 到了20世纪80年代,克摇滚乐已经到了全盛时期。

    By the 80s, punk rock had really had its heyday.

  • 顺便说一下,拉这个人算你选对了.

    You picked the right man when you picked Lampone , by the way.

  • 它的情节读起来像是出自于计算机客的中篇小说,这可能会激发技术控的阅读欲。

    Its plot reads like something out of a cyberpunk novella, which in and of itself, would probably make for interesting tech geek viewing.

  • 出席此次活动的主要音乐家有大卫·山、萝贝塔·弗莱克和鲍伯·詹姆斯。

    Headliners at the event will include David Sanborn, Roberta Flack and Bob James.

  • 发表你们的恋爱故事、上传甜蜜合影吧,让世的所有分享你们的喜悦,并为你们送上美好的祝福。

    Deliver your love story and photos immediately, to let all your friends share your happiness, and they will send best wishes to you .

  • 在20世纪70年代,客青年把别针别在面颊上。

    In the 1970s, punks wore safety pins through their cheeks.

  • 一个真正的哟会握着你的手,触动你的心。

    A true friend is the one who holds ur hand and touches ur heart.

  • 在欢乐的气氛中,新老友一起欢度中国的传统佳节。

    In an atmosphere of joy, new and old friends celebrated the Chinese traditional festival together.

  • 站在迈克尔-考利昂后面的是黑根和罗科-拉.

    Behind Michael Corleone were Hagen and Rocco Lampone.

  • 托马斯·威瑟斯2008年创办了“聆听世界”组织。

    Thomas Witherspoon started Ears to Our World in two thousand eight.

  • 近视太阳镜或者波尔近视太阳镜都是一个不错的选择。

    Ray Ban prescription sunglasses or Bolle Prescription sunglasses could be a good choice.

  • 脸谱网拥有强大的社群效应,这方面高网则逊色一筹。

    Facebook enjoys a powerful network effect; Groupon, less so.

  • 汽车来了,前座上坐着罗科-拉手下的两个人.

    The car was waiting with two of Rocco Lampone's men in front.

  • 引类,剧饮狂歌.

    They got together and indulged in wine and song.

  • 人人都伪装着支持要不不党地对话,但实质是聋人相对。

    Everyone pretends to be in favour of bipartisan dialogue, but it is a dialogue of the deaf.

  • 女性比男性获得更多的博士学位,但许多热人仍然觉得工作场所远离亲友家

    But many still find that college workplaces are far from family-friendly.

  • 云层笼罩,瀑布环绕这,切拉吉是地球上最湿的地方之一。

    Shrouded in clouds and surrounded by waterfalls, Cherrapunji is one of the wettest places on Earth.

  • 迈克尔客客气气他说: “ 你怎么发现了拉的兵团? ”

    Michael said softly, " How did you find out about Lampone's regime? "

  • 威瑟斯:“我们把收音机送到了世界上部分没有互联网和任何电力网的地区。”

    THOMAS WITHERSPOON: "we take our radios to parts of the world that lack access to the Internet, to a national power grid of any sort."

  • 10年来,“X”乐队一直都是洛杉矶最杰出的克乐队。

    For a decade "X" was the pre-eminent punk band in Los Angeles.

  • 腾讯拒绝评论,并将所有问题转给高

    Tencent declined to comment and referred all questions to GaoPeng.

  • 我也是慢慢学着如何在做和做经理之间保持平衡,你可以称之为做"理"。

    I mean, I've had to learn how to balance being a friend and a manager. You could call it being a Franager.

  • 休息时间结束了,去完成工作。看来某人的愤怒"理"有些问题啊。

    Break time's over. Get your work done. Looks like someone has an issue with anger franagement.

  • 学着点,露西就要被"理"了。真棒,还能当动词用呐。

    Watch and learn. Lucy's about to get franaged. Oh, good, it's a verb, too.



péng ㄆㄥˊ

  • 彼此友好的人:~友。~辈。~侪。~俦。宾~。至爱亲~。
  • 结党:~党(为私利而互相勾结、排斥异己的一帮人)。
  • 成群:群居~飞。
  • 古代以贝壳为货币,五贝为一串,两串为一朋。
  • 比:硬大无~。
  • 姓。

英语 friend, pal, acquaintance

德语 Freund (S)​,Peng (Eig, Fam)

法语 ami,compagnon,partisan,se grouper





(1) (象形。本义:古代货币单位。相传五贝为一朋。或说五贝为一系,两系为一朋)

(2) 古代货币单位。五贝为一朋。一说两贝为一朋,也有说十贝为一朋的 [five shells]


(3) 同学 [classmate]


(4) 朋友 [friend]





(5) 又如:朋故(朋友故旧);朋曹(朋友辈);朋好(朋友,好友);朋伴(朋友,同伴);朋知(朋友;知交);朋侣(朋友;同伴)

(6) 同类 [same kind]。如:朋从(同类相从);朋类(同类事物)

(7) 朋党 [clique]。如:朋比(结成私党);朋甲(犹朋党);朋附(结党营私);朋徒(朋党;党徒);朋家(犹朋党);朋头(朋党的首领)

(8) 队;班 [team;group]

一朋头用杖击弄球子,如缀球子方坠队,两朋争占,供与朋头。——· 孟元老《东京梦华录》




(1) 勾结 [collude with]



(2) 又如:朋谋(结党图谋不轨);朋比(阿附;勾结);朋邪(朋比为奸);朋奸(朋比为奸);朋附(勾结、阿附);朋挺(犹勾结);朋扇(相互勾结煽动);朋援(勾结引援)

(3) 群聚 [gather]。如:朋酒(谓亲友聚饮);朋宴(聚朋宴饮);朋淫(群聚淫乱);朋饮(聚饮);朋戏(群聚嬉戏)

(4) 合伙 [form a partnership]。如:朋充(谓合伙蒙混冒充);朋伙(犹合伙)

(5)“崩”。倒塌 [collapse;crash to the ground]




共同,一致 [together;common]。如:朋分(共同分之);朋合(一起充任);朋充(相互充当)



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of