1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-13 14:20:41
qiáng dù


intensity; depth; strength; pitch; level of intensity; degree of strength

intensity n.强度;烈度;强烈;剧烈;热情;激烈;力度;紧张;紧张程度

depth n.深度;纵深;深处;深刻性;深奥性;深远影响;向里的距离;向下的距离;(感情、思想等的)强烈程度;渊博;诚挚

strength n.体力;力量;实力;影响力;长处;优势;意志力;毅力;(困境中的)勇气;强度;(感情、观点或信念的)强烈程度;力度;人数;人力;(货币的)走强;力量源泉;牌力

pitch n.(尤指乐音的)音高;音调高低;场地;运动场;投球;球场;倾斜度;坡度;强度;(感情、活动等的)程度;力度;推销用语;销售术语;摊位;销售摊位;表演场所;(体育比赛的)场地;前后颠簸;螺距;节距;沥青;柏油;

  • 如果训练强度保持不变,却总是感到饥饿并且体重下降,这表明我需要提高每日热量摄入。

    If my training intensity remains the same, but I'm constantly hungry and dropping weight, this is a sign that I need to increase my daily caloric intake.

  • 若长期暴露于当前环境的气味中,个体对气味强度的感知会大大减弱。

    With continued exposure to chronically present ambient odors, individuals' perception of odor intensity is greatly reduced.

  • 这次地震的强度很大。

    The intensity of this earthquake was very high.

  • 铸铁在强度方面比不上钢.

    Cast iron cannot compare with steel in strength.

  • 当史蒂文森依据碳-14的痕迹追溯过去时,他发现碳-14的含量随着太阳燃烧的强度而变化。

    When Stevenson followed the carbon-14 trail back in time, he found carbon-14 levels change with the intensity of solar burning.

  • 护理工作报酬低而且工作强度令人难以忍受。

    Nursing was ill-paid and grindingly hard work.

  • 持续暴露在强度高于80分贝的噪声中可能有害。

    Continuous exposure to sound above 80 decibels could be harmful.

  • 汽缸头附有许多突片以增加强度.

    The cylinder head is heavily finned for strength.

  • 运动时要注意控制强度

    You should control the intensity during exercise.

  • 通用电气的目标是到2015年将其运作过程中的能源强度降低50%。

    General Electric aims to reduce the energy intensity of its operations by 50% by 2015.

  • 他检查了一下钢索的强度

    He checked the strength of the cables.

  • 当表面与射线垂直时,射线的强度最大。

    When a surface is perpendicular to the rays, their intensity is at its maximum.

  • 在地球表面,可以通过改变地球磁场强度来检测这些风暴。

    At the Earth's surface, these tempests can be detected by changes in the strength of the Earth's magnetic field.

  • 他的训练强度每天都在增加。

    His training intensity increases every day.

  • 新的路灯有五烛光的强度

    The new streetlights have an intensity of five candela.

  • 因为玩耍性打斗包括速度和强度的变化,以及与自我设限有关的角色快速转换。

    Since play fighting includes variations in speed and intensity, and quick role reversals involved with self-handicapping.

  • 随着工作强度由轻转重,工人们吃得更多了。

    As the level of work increased from light to heavy, workers ate more.

  • 这块耀眼的地毯以奇妙的强度驱散了阳光。

    This dazzling carpet drove away the rays of the sun with wonderful intensity.

  • 语音是由不同频率和强度的声波组成的。

    Speech is made up of sound waves that vary in frequency and intensity.

  • 他们测量了电流的强度.

    They measured the strength of an electric current.

  • 科学家用光度单位测量光强度

    The scientist measured the light intensity in phot.

  • 该工作的强度很少给个人留下悲伤或忧虑的机会。

    The intensity of the work left little room for personal grief or anxiety.

  • 毫不奇怪,社会学家发现,一个群体主要联系的强度对这个群体的功能是有影响的。

    Not surprisingly, sociologists find that the strength of a group's primary ties has implications for the group's functioning.

  • 所有零件都是用顶级高强度铝加工而成。

    All parts are machined from top grade, high tensile aluminium.

  • 他需要高强度理疗。

    He'll need intensive physiotherapy.

  • 他在研究辐射强度.

    He is doing research on radiant intensity.

  • 即使刺激的强度很低,你也要保持警惕。

    You can be alert, even though the intensity of the stimulus is quite low.

  • 房子的木质框架用长钢条加固,以增加其额外的强度

    The house's wooden frame is reinforced with long steel rods to give it extra strength.

  • 他的情感强度令人难以承受。

    The intensity of his emotions was overwhelming.

  • 他们需要检查座椅与飞机舱面固定接头的强度

    They had to check the strength of the seat attachments to the floor of the plane.

  • 城市周边和乡村环境之间的最大温差值叫做该地区的热岛效应强度

    The maximum differences in temperature between neighboring urban and rural environments is called the heat-island intensity for that region.

  • 这表明,盲目性并不局限于最近的偏好选择,也可能发生在强度和频率上。

    This demonstrates that blindness is not limited to recent preference selections, but can also occur for intensity and frequency.

  • 实际的强度水平取决于诸如大城市的物理布局、人口密度和生产活动之类的因素。

    The actual level of intensity depends on such factors as the physical layout, population density, and productive activities of a metropolis.

  • 这盏灯的光强度可以调节。

    The light intensity of this lamp can be adjusted.

  • 逐渐增加时间、距离和强度

    Increase time, distance, and intensity gradually.

  • 最近开发的一种新材料的抗拉强度比钻石还高,而且柔韧性更好。

    A new material developed recently has a tensile strength higher than diamond, yet it's much more flexible.

  • 我所认识的一直保持那样工作强度的人都早衰了。

    Everyone I know who kept it up at that intensity is burned-out.

  • 我靠父母给的那点钱只能勉强度日。

    I can just scrape by on what my parents give me.

  • 光的强度使得很难看清楚。

    The intensity of the light made it hard to see.

  • 设备以光度单位显示光强度

    The device displays the light intensity in phot.

  • 我所认识的每个一直保持那种强度的人都劳累过度。

    But everyone I know who kept it up at that intensity is burnt out.

  • 探讨了森林地层在水土保持、养分供应、促进生物呼吸强度和土壤发育等方面的作用。

    The function of forest floor on water conservation, nutrient supply, promoting biological respiratory intensity and soil development are discussed.

  • 他检查了缆绳的强度

    He checked the strength of the cables.

  • 他需要高强度的理疗。

    He'll need intensive physiotherapy.

  • 某些材料可以制造成抗拉伸强度大的产品。

    Certain materials can be manufactured with a high tensile strength.

  • 山顶上升气流强度随速矢端迹曲率加大而稍有加强.

    Peak updraft strength is slightly enhanced with hodograph curvature.

  • 随着工作强度的加大,工人们吃得更多了。

    As the level of work increased from light to heavy, workers ate more.

  • 他不得不靠失业救济金勉强度日。

    He has to get by on unemployment compensation.

  • 这独特的设计是基于在全规模和低强度的冲突中得到的广泛的战场经验。

    The unique design is based on extensive battlefield experience in full scale and low intensity conflicts.

  • 超高的辐射强度

    unusually high levels of radiation

  • 它的振动幅度取决于引力场的强度

    Its oscillation depends on the strength of the gravitational field.

  • 我们先来做点强度小的练习。

    Let's start off with some gentle exercises.

  • Wadati 在分析地震强度数据时也看到了类似的模式。

    Wadati saw a similar pattern when he analyzed data on the intensity of shaking.

  • 分析表明,强度似乎以一种清晰的、明确的节奏在波动。

    The analysis reveals that intensity appears to fluctuate with a clear, well-defined rhythm.

  • 这种结实的高强度塑料盒子在水下100英尺以内是防水的。

    The durable high-impact plastic case is water resistant to 100 feet.

  • 第二个是产生神经冲动的频率,如果先是 "砰 砰 砰 砰 砰",然后变成,"砰,砰,砰",这是由于神经元反应强度更大了,这便是两种,会影响神经元反应强度的因素了

    The second one is the frequency of firing in that something is more intense if it's "Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang" then "Bang, bang, bang" and these are two ways through which neurons encode intensity.

  • 或者如果我们看键的强度的话,它实际上比单键更强,而比双键更弱。

    Or if we look at how strong it is, it's actually stronger than a single bond, but weaker than a double bond.

  • 因此,这让我们现在可以做到直接进行比较,比如,将一个氢原子,和一个氢分子的键的强度,与任何其它类型的分子进行比较,我们只需要把它的曲线也画在这幅图上。

    So, what this lets us do now is directly compare, for example, the strength of a bond in terms of a hydrogen atom and hydrogen molecule, compared to any kind of molecule that we want to graph on top of it.

  • 我们需要编制出各种,更复杂的公式,以便增加痛苦的倍数,延续时间,还要考虑痛苦的强度,获得痛苦的纯量。

    And so we might need to work out various, more complicated, formulas here, where we multiply the pain times its duration and take into account its intensity, get the sheer quantity of pain that way.

  • 因为这个现象高度受到地心引力的强度变化、和我们所处的空间维度而改变。

    It's highly dependent on the strength of the gravitational force and the number of dimensions we live in.

  • 是啊,但还有个问题,就是信号的强度

    Yeah, but there's one problem. The signal strength.

  • 所以我们看到我们用激光笔,还是没有逐出电子,即使我们有这样的强度,它仍然与一个单个的光子能量无关,所以我们不会看到光电效应。

    So we see that we do not eject electrons in the case of the laser pointer, even if we have this intensity, it is still not related to the energy of an individual photon, so we won't see an effect.

  • 是高强度的疼痛感,持续时间短,还是较长时间的疼痛感但强度较低。

    You want a high intensity of pain but for a short duration or would you rather have a longer duration but lower intensity.

  • 但是若把强度从一个级别提升到另一个,你就很容易感受到双倍的痛,更加痛苦,在记忆里。

    But if you take something from one intensity to another intensity, you can easily make it twice. More painful in our memory.

  • 它们改变音符中的分音的强度,不过这只是一个声音,要算上其它所有分音的集合,才能构成一个特定乐器的音色

    They play with these partials on each of these notes, but this is just one sound with all of these other things mixed in to the medley that produces the quality or timbre of a particular instrument.

  • 并且谱线的分裂程度,和实验中所使用的磁场强度,是成比例的。

    And, furthermore, that the intensity of the splitting was proportional to the intensity of the applied magnetic field.

  • 一个强度量一个强度体积。

    A volume which is an intensive volume.

  • 最好的问题是如果我们,按照给定的强度照射60秒,那么总的光子数是多少?

    So our last question we ask is what's the total number of photons emitted if we give this given intensity for 60 seconds?

  • 尤为重要的是,这也会影响血压,心跳的强度,和心脏能够输出的压力

    More importantly, they can affect blood pressure as well, the strength of your heartbeat and the pressure that your heart generates.

  • 但是用国际单位制,这个变得越来越有用了,如果你实际上在使用强度,来解决问题和约化单位,我们仅仅讨论每秒钟的焦耳,这就是强度

    But in terms of SI units, which become much more useful if you're actually trying to use intensity in a problem and cancel out your units, we're just talking about joules per second is what intensity is.

  • 其实病人更偏向于低强度疼痛感较长时间的处理方式,因为我们不会把持续时间计入最终感受的疼痛里。

    It's the patient that he'd better to have a lower intensity and longer treatment, because we don't incorporate duration as well into our destinations.

  • 这是它们即将堕落的迫切性,使这幅图像有了无穷的情感强度,和无边的美感。

    I think it's the imminence of their fallen-ness that lends this image its incredibly powerful emotional intensity and also, I think, its beauty.

  • 结果也证明谱线在电场中也会分裂,而且其分裂程度,随电场强度变化而变化。

    Again, in an electric field line splitting observed, the intensity of the line splitting varying with the intensity of the applied electric field.

  • 就不需要那种机械强度的保护机制

    They don't need that kind of mechanical strength.

  • 如果我们知道了这是一个氢分子的离解能,那么我们也可以说氢分子的键的强度,就是。

    If we know that this is it the dissociation energy for a hydrogen atom, we can also say the bond strength for hydrogen molecule 424 is 424.

  • 还有好多口译课,非常激烈,强度很大。

    and also they do a lot of interpretation courses where you can learn like really intense, high intense.

  • 强度,如果我们增加强度,我们增加的不是,每个光子的能量,我们增加的仅仅是,从我们激光源射出的光子数,无论我们的光源是什么。

    Intensity, if we increase the intensity, we're not increasing the energy in each photon, we're just increasing the number of photons that we're shooting out of our laser, whatever our light source is.

  • 好的,你非常享受取笑工程学,那么你如何量化材料强度

    Okay. You enjoy making fun of engineering so much. How do you quantify the strength of materials?

  • 我就喜欢那种高强度的努力,那种肾上腺素增长的感觉。

    so I, you know, I enjoy that sort of intense effort, the sort of adrenaline that goes with the crunch

  • 为什么,属性的总和:,机械强度,化学惰性,易于制造,那不是独特的解决方法。

    Why? Bundle of properties: mechanical strength, chemical inertness, ease of fabrication: that's not a unique solution.

  • 我认为最佳的处理方式是较低强度和较长时间。

    And I felt that the better approach would be to have a lower intensity and longer treatment.

  • 知道我觉得什么很厉害吗?这个网,抗拉强度简直爆表,是谁制造的?我。

    You know what I think is really cool? This webbing. Tensile strength is off the charts. Who manufactured them? I did.

  • 事实上,他们在用自己身体的信号,心跳的强度来确定谁更有魅力。

    And what has happened is they're using this bodily cue of their heartbeat to infer that that's who they find more attractive.

  • 当我们讨论强度的单位时,我们经常用瓦特,所以如果你更换灯泡,你通常会看到,以瓦特为单位的强度值。

    And when we talk about intensity in terms of units, we usually talk about watts, so if you change your lightbulb, usually you see the intensity in terms of watts.

  • 对边沁来说,要记住,真正重要的,是快乐或痛苦的强度和持续时间。

    For Bentham, all that matters, you'll remember, are the intensity and the duration of a pleasure or pain.

  • 包括从低强度到高强度,从高强度到低强度,或者较长时间低强度,较短时间高强度的疼痛等等。

    So it gave them pain that went from low to high or from high to low, or give them longer durations of pain of lower intensity, shorter pains of higher intensity and so on.

  • 光强和能量之间,应该有一定的关系,因为在我们的理解中,不管光强是多少,光的强度越大,光束能量越高。

    So, what we would expect is that there is a relationship between intensity in kinetic energy because it was understood that however intense the light was, if you had a more intense light, it was a higher energy light beam.

  • 下一而他们要研究的是光的强度,看一下光强和能量之间的,关系是怎样的,我们预期。

    The next thing that they wanted to look at was the actual intensity of the light and see what the relationship of intensity to kinetic energy is.

  • 当我从皮姆博士那里接手这家公司后,我立即开始研究一种能够改变原子间距离同时能增加密度和强度的粒子。

    When I took over this company for Dr. Pym, I immediately started researching a particle that could change the distance between atoms, while increasing density and strength.

  • 如果可以自己选择电击强度,很少人会选择高强度的。

    Yeah, and if you could get to choose your own shock level, you could keep--then very, very few people go all the way.

  • 其实,还有另外一种画这个曲线的方式,可以直接画出离解能的大小,或者键的强度

    So, there's actually another way to graph it where we can directly graph the dissociation energy or the bond strengths.

  • 另一种会增加反应强度的因素,就是神经冲动产生的频率

    Another way to increase intensity is the frequency of firing.

  • 影响反应强度的一个简单因素,就是产生神经冲动的神经元数量,神经元越多,反应强度越大

    So, one simple way to code intensity is the number of neurons firing; the more neurons the more intense.

  • 我们乐器的音质,或者说音色,也有独有的配方,那就是每种乐器营造的,分音,或泛音的强度

    Well, we have a particular recipe for instrumental timbre or instrumental color and it's the intensity of the overtones with -- or partials-- within each particular instrument that creates that.

  • 我要知道如何绑正确的结,要用哪种钢索,它的重量、粗细和强度

    But I need to know how to tie the correct knots. I need to know what kind of cable to use the weight, the thickness, the load strength.

  • 自从那时,我们就能够用,测量键的强度,光电子能谱。

    Since that time, PES we've been able to actually measure these bond strengths by PES, photoelectron spectroscopy.


强度 qiángdù

(1) [intensity]∶作用力以及某个量(如电场、电流、磁化、辐射或放射性)的强弱程度


(2) [strength]∶材料或物件经得起压力或变形的能力




免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of