1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-20 12:12:24
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able person; capable person; talent; expert; whiz; ace; proficient person

talent n.天赋;才能;天资;才干;天才;有才华的人;有天赋的人;(古希腊和罗马的)重量或货币单位;(统称)性感的人;潜在的性伙伴

expert adj.熟练的;专业的;精通的;有专门知识的;擅长的;内行的;专家级的;高手的;经验丰富的

whiz v.飕飕地移动;呼呼地飞驰;撒尿;迅速处理;飞快地做;使飞驰;使飞快地移动;使在机器(尤指食品加工机)内迅速转动;(同whizz)

ace n.A纸牌;王牌;佼佼者;高手;专家;最重要的一点;(网球)发球得分;(高尔夫等)一杆进洞得分;(牌类游戏中的)幺点;<俚语>一美元钞票;非常小的数量(或程度);(Ace)艾斯(人名)

  • 能人背后有能人

    for every able person there is always one still abler; no one can boast of being superior to all others

  • 珠藏贝壳里,只待能人取.

    Many a pearl is still hiden in the oyster.

  • 艰难困苦出能人.

    Bad times make a good man.

  • 这些能人说,这不是匆忙甩手政策。

    This is not, the wise men said, a policy of cutting and running.

  • 能人与否,是以他们的行为判断。

    A virtuoso is judged by their actions.

  • 团结能人做大事,团结小人不坏事。

    Unity artist to do great things, unity mean person is not a bad thing.

  • 他哪里是个能人, 根本就是个老好人,比以前的主管更容易唬.

    Where he a capable, it is a than the previous charge easier to intimidate.

  • 重点培育运销能人.

    The key breeds able person of transportation and sale.

  • 强中自有强中手, 能人背后有能人

    However strong you are, there's always someone stronger.; For every able person there is always one still abler.

  • 为什么他不能人性化点?

    Why can't [he] show me some humanity?

  • 建立在当地的能力之上(能人);

    Based on the local entrepreneurship;

  • 能人擅长仿造; 天才善于创造.

    Talent repeats; genius creates.

  • 为什么白鲟不能人工繁殖?

    Why couldn't the Chinese paddlefish be raised in captivity?

  • 他们是当地的能人贤士.

    They are the wit and wisdom of the place.

  • 他是一个能人

    He is an able judge.

  • 大使们都说他是该国首屈一指的大能人.

    Ambassadors report him the ablest man in the country.

  • 总之,女性相信职场就是能人管理的地方, 或许也不一定.

    By and large women believe that the workplace is a meritocracy, and it isn't.

  • 改进对未被授权使用受限管理功能人员的消息传递。

    Improved messaging to individuals that do not have authorization to restricted administrative functions.

  • 他说,看,这些就是我国最强的能人

    He said, 'Look, these are the strongest and most able men in the country.

  • 《高效能人士的七个习惯》。

    The 7 Habits of Highly Effective people.

  • 否则他们可能人为地限制他们对基础结构的使用。

    Or they may artificially limit their use of the infrastructure.

  • 可是,有趣的是,现在他们仍被认为是经济学专业的年轻能人

    But it is intriguing that they are still seen as the profession's young hot-shots.

  • 她的策略是成为地上树上两个世界都吃得开的能人

    Her strategy was to be mistress of both worlds.

  • 但是,这些能人也认为——况且谁能不同意呢?

    But the wise men also say-and who could disagree? -that.

  • 现在,安装了智能人行横道后,学生们比以前感到更安全了。

    Now the students feel safer than before after the installation of the smart crosswalk.

  • 但随着国家日益富有,高技能人才的短缺正推动工资迅速上升。

    But as the country grows richer, skills shortages are driving wages rapidly up.

  • 但我现在会选以尽可能人道的方式屠宰的肉吃。

    But I now have a preference to eat meat that has been slaughtered in as humane a way as possible.

  • 女:你的女儿是个能人,但别作过头。

    W: Your daughter is a can-do person but no person should overdo it.

  • 把一大批农村能人组织起来, 搞贩运, 抓销售.

    Organize large quantities of one country able person, make transport goods for sale, grab a sale.

  • 这显然是能人(会制造工具的人类先祖)的作品。

    This was clearly the work of Homo Habilis, our tool-making ancestor.

  • 各官方消息源现在正公开地推测继劳伦斯博士之任的可能人选。

    Government sources are now openly speculating about a possible successor for Dr. Lawrence.

  • 读一下《高效能人士的七个习惯》。

    Read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

  • 它包括拒绝传统智慧,炒作和疯狂—尤其不能人云亦云。

    Itinvolves rejecting conventional wisdom, hype, and the madness of crowds -essentially being a Nonconformist.

  • 领导力研究所的创始人兼主任史蒂芬·柯维在过去十年探索领导力风格时,他关注的是大量高效能人士的习惯。

    When Stephen Covey, founder and director of the Leadership Institute, explored leadership styles in the past decade, he focused on the habits of a great number of highly effective individuals.

  • 你不能人小鬼大.

    You can't put an old head on young shoulders.

  • 但我们不可能人人都生而富有、英俊和幸运。

    We can't all be born rich, handsome, and lucky.

  • 一是依托能人发起型.

    It is to rely on able person to initiate model.

  • 能人背后有能人.

    For every aBle person there is always one still aBler.

  • 你也可能遇到了最早的人类祖先,能人

    One of your earliest human ancestors, homo habilis.

  • 因为将要有许多高技能人才下岗,或者面临无法接受的减薪。

    There are lots of very skilled people that have been and will be laid off or asked to take unacceptable cuts in pay.

  • 迈克?卡瓦洛看到资金的分配过程被能人统治着, 他也有一些疑问.

    Mike Cavallo , who viewed the allocation process a meritocracy, did end up having some questions, too.

  • 由于其临近南印度,很有可能人们在两地来回往返。

    Given its close proximity to the South India, it is very likely that people have traveled back and forth throughout human history.

  • 他们是当地的能人贤士.

    They are the wit and wisdom of the place.

  • 迷失的“黎明”可能人气直逼“新月”?

    Missed “Twilight”, the predecessor of “New Moon”?

  • 珠藏贝壳里,只待能人取.

    Many a pearl is still hiden in the oyster.

  • 强中自有强中手, 能人背后有能人.

    However strong you are, there's always someone stronger.

  • 他是一个能人, 对他没有不能的事.

    He is an able person, nothing is unable to him.

  • 阿美:但是很有可能人们一转身就会把它们扔进垃圾桶。

    May: But people can just throw them into the trash can as they turn around.

  • 英国则一直进行讨论,现在总算对高技能人士入境的做出了结论。

    The UK has an ongoing debate, now being concluded about skilled entrants.

  • 墨子在他的教学实践中,以其独特的视点,建立了自己培养“能人”的教育标准。

    In teaching practice, Mozi, using his unique viewpoint, established his own educational standard of training the "capable person".

  • 能人背后有能人.

    For every aBle person there is always one still aBler.

  • 他的《高效能人士的七个习惯》很快成为了畅销书。

    His Seven Habits of Highly Effective People became a popular bestseller very quickly.

  • 是否应该说,没有人生来就是自由的,也不可能人人生下来都是平等的

    Is it not palpably nearer the truth to say that no man was ever born free and that no two men were ever born equal?

  • 不,能人是直立行走(与“勃起”同词)的,南方古猿不是完全直立行走的。或许他是紧张罢了。

    No, Homo habilis was erect. Australopithecus was never fully erect. Well, maybe he was nervous.

  • 在开始使用石器工具和创作洞穴壁画的年代"能人"们,肯定会想方设法干掉流着鼻涕的家伙的。

    Somewhere between tool using and cave painting, Homo habilis would have figured out how to kill the guy with the runny nose.

  • 因此,真正地-,对我们真正有魅力的人,是那些偶尔失态的能人

    So, what we really like-- The kind of person we're really attracted to is the competent individual who occasionally blunders.


能人 néngrén

[able person] 有才能的人



英语 capable person, Homo habilis, extinct species of upright East African hominid

德语 Könner, tüchtige Person

法语 homo habilis


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of