1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-16 15:52:50


tread; dance; step; step on; skip; trip; trample

tread v.踏;踩;践踏;踩踏;行走;踏过;踏入;踏平;用脚踩碎;踩出路径

dance v.跳舞;舞步;舞蹈(艺术);摇摆;跳跃;轻快移动;闪烁;手舞足蹈;欢蹦乱跳;引导某人跳舞;使某物上下(或来回)快速移动;演出舞蹈角色

step n.步;步伐;步骤;措施;手段;脚步;脚步声;一步的距离;梯级;台阶;阶梯;音级;音阶;程序;级别;等级;踏板操

step on vphr.踩;踏;踩在…上;无意中伤害(某人);无意中冒犯(某人);限制;控制(某人)

skip v.跳跃;跳过;略过;忽略;跳绳;轻快地蹦跳;蹦蹦跳跳地走;快速转移;悄悄溜走;不参加;缺席;逃避;不做(应做的事等);打水漂;(在水面上)掠过;(心脏)漏跳

trip v.绊倒;使跌倒;轻快地走;快步行走;轻捷地走(或跑、跳);轻快地跳舞;作短程旅行;触发;启动;引发;体验幻觉;迷幻药效果;犯错;失误;使失足;使受挫;激活;操作;使运行;使旋转;使摇摆;(尤指意外地)触动(开关);倾斜;翻倒;(服用毒品后)产生幻觉;(用迷惑性提问)使(被告等)说出自己不想说的话;[海]起锚;[机]松开(离合器、控制杆等)以开动

trample v.践踏;踩踏;无视(他人权利或感受);藐视;侵犯(权利);摧残(尊严)

  • 蹈藉

    tread;stamp 践踏

  • 临危蹈难

    go to one's death fearlessly

  • 蹈袭

    slavishly follow 因袭,走别人走过的路

  • 蹈常袭故

    go on in the same old way;be a slave to old methods of doing things;follow the conventional tradition 墨守成规,沿用旧法。指照老规矩办事

  • 蹈海

    plunge into the sea to commit suicide;jump into water (为了自杀)投海

  • 柴德威决计不此覆辙.

    Chadwick was determined that no such thing was going to happen to him.

  • 人类、蔬菜、还是宇宙尘埃——都随着一缕神秘的曲调舞,随着来自远方的那无形乐师的吟唱。

    Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust - we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper.

  • 屋顶下, 可以举办演奏 、 演出和音乐会.

    Under the programmatic roof, plays, dance shows and concerts can be held.

  • 王后一个人悄悄走向海边,迎接着爱琴海的浪涛,水自尽了。

    The Queen went to the beach and jumped into the Aegean Sea.

  • 这次的全国残疾人艺术汇演分为器乐 、 、乐等.

    This national handicapped person art festival comprises instrument, dance and vocal music performances.

  • 他谱写的这段交响乐,发扬厉令人振奋.

    The short symphony he composed is really inspiring.

  • 好吧。京剧就是集音乐、、术和杂技为一体的艺术。

    OK. Peking Opera is a combination of music, dance, art and acrobatics.

  • 表演艺术包括音乐 、 、 剧和电影.

    The performing arts include music, dance, dramas and movies.

  • 美育在育,要通过日常生活、会自然和音乐、术、、学、视等各种艺术教育手段践行提高.

    The paper also discusses principles and methods in esthetic education.

  • 他被债主逼得走投无路,海而亡.

    He drowned himself in the sea after having been driven to the wall by his creditors.

  • 并指出其发展轨迹是从灵魂救赎到欲望高的过程.

    And thinks that the developing orbit is from recieving soul to upspring desire.

  • 结合古典吉他的弹奏、唱、诵、和断续的击掌。

    It incorporated acoustic-guitar playing, singing, chanting, dancing, and staccato hand-clapping.

  • [客家情韵~婆讲古]展演,以比较轻松、泼和现代感的方式来呈现.

    Hakka's Feeling - Grandma Tells Stories dance exhibition presents with an easier and more lively and modernized way.

  • 王后一个人悄悄走向海边,迎接着爱琴海的浪涛,水自尽了。

    The Queen went to the beach and jumped into the Aegean Sea.

  • 恨是一盏永没有明浓轺灯。

    Love is a light that never dims.

  • 这次的全国残疾人艺术汇演分为器乐 、 、乐等.

    This national handicapped person art festival comprises instrument, dance and vocal music performances.

  • 马拉松战役发生于公元前四九○年。 当时波斯人在骄奢、劳役之下,颓堕委靡; 雅典人则在自由之中,发扬厉。

    The Battle of Marathon was fought in 490 BC, when the Persians became enervated by luxury and servitude, and the Athenians were animated by their freedom.

  • 晚会将有音乐、午、唱歌、游戏、交换礼品等。

    There will be singing , sing ing , games, and exchanging gifts.

  • 表演艺术包括音乐 、 、 剧和电影.

    The performing arts include music, dance, dramas and movies.

  • 咏歌之不足,不知手之舞之足之之也。

    Chants insufficiency of the song, did not know foot ofdance of the hand steps.

  • 有句古话说道忘记过去的人必将重覆辙,而忘记不了过去的人,亦会其覆辙。

    There's a old saying about those who cannot remember the past being condemned to repeat it. But those of us refuse to forget the past are condemned to relive it.

  • 美育在育,要通过日常生活、会自然和音乐、术、、学、视等各种艺术教育手段践行提高.

    The paper also discusses principles and methods in esthetic education.

  • 山姆:“惧在苯课年堂噪上我都没枢办法专心革听课药,我感淤觉鹤到细有一些忘符号辙在我搬脑宛海里不停脆的徘颐徊!当”

    Sam:I have not in the classroom to concentrate way to class, I feel that there are some symbols in my mind kept wandering!

  • 这次的全国残疾人艺术汇演分为器乐、、乐等。

    This national handicapped person art festival comprises instrument, dance and vocal music performances.

  • 汉赋中的神仙世界自由美好,已成为文人精神境界的一种象征,寄托着赋作家遗世高、超乎尘垢之外的人生志趣。

    The fairy world in Hanfu was free and beautiful, which had become a symbol of spiritual realm of writers and the reflection of their interest in cloistral area.

  • 循规距的社会贤达,则时时刻刻地关注自己的一举一动,唯恐有失态之时。

    The social sages, who follow rules docilely, care in every moment for their appearance, they fear to commit any gaffe in their social activity.

  • 他一个劲地挥舞着双手,跟着他们之中最激动的人大喊大叫;别人开始手舞脚踏地乱蹦;他也手舞脚地乱蹦。

    But he waved his arms, he shouted with the best of them; and when the others began to jig and stamp and shuffle, he also jigged and shuffled.

  • 多年前要是人们不循规距, 他们就该受到惩罚.

    Many years ago, if people didn't behave just so, they ought to be punished.

  • 当你看到一位手舞足的健谈的人,就会微笑着停下来看着他,这也是激发了另一个人的镜像反应。

    Sit back with a smile as you watch as hand - waving conversationalist provoke mirror reactions in another.

  • 如米芾的画作,水墨点点,视为戏作,是作者随意、自然、不故常的心态写照。

    Such as Mi Fu's painting, ink little bit, as for drama, the author is free, of course, not dancing portrayal of the mentality of Guchang.



dǎo ㄉㄠˇ

  • 践踏,踩:~袭(走别人走过的老路,沿用前人旧例)。~节(信守节操)。~海(跳到海里自杀)。赴汤~火。循规~矩。
  • 跳动:舞~。手舞足~。

英语 stamp feet; dance

法语 marcher sur,fouler du pied,sautiller,gambader





(1) (形声。从足,舀( yǎo)声。本义:踩,踏)

(2) 同本义(往往有冒险的意味) [tread;stamp]







蹈死不顾。——· 张溥《五人墓碑记》

(3) 又如:蹈火(踩火);蹈藉(践踏);蹈跃(践踏奔跳);蹈冰(踏冰)

(4) 顿足踏地 [stamp one's foot]


(5) 又如:手舞足蹈;蹈舞(手舞足蹈,表示欢乐);蹈咏(舞蹈和吟唱)

(6) 遵循 [follow]


(7) 又如:蹈矩(投身;依托);蹈节(克守节操);蹈节死义(遵守节操,为正义而死)

(8) 实行 [carry out]

一理长成,遽躬蹈之。——· 袁枚《祭妹文》

而蹈之者常十之八九。——· 刘开《问说》

(9) 又如:蹈险(经历危险);蹈义(履行正义);蹈道(履行正道)

(10) 朝某方向走;行 [go]


(11) 又如:蹈难(身赴危难);蹈敌(赴敌)

(12) 乘;利用 [use]。如:蹈瑕(利用过失);蹈隙(利用空隙)



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of