1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-19 16:44:02


clean; clear; pure; distinct; unobstructed; limpid; sober; quiet; light (color); plain; serene; peaceful; unadulterated; unblemished; innocent; unmixed


clear; cleanse; clarify; purge; exonerate; absolve; acquit; exculpate; clean up; settle; clear up; count


clearness; clarity; Qing dynasty (1644-1912)


clearly; distinctly; plainly; thoroughly; completely

clean adj.清洁的;洁净的;干净的;爱干净的;整洁的;清白的;无罪的;纯洁的;无邪的;天真的;无害的;不含有害物质的;纯净的;不含杂质的;清澈的;明确的;平整的;整齐的;简洁的;简明的;彻底的;完全的;没有私藏违禁品的

clear adj.清晰的;明确的;清楚的;明显的;容易看见的;透明的;清澈的;明亮的;易懂的;清晰可辨的;头脑清醒的;无障碍的;空旷的;无遮挡的;无罪的;纯的;纯净的;不含混的;无云的;无雾的;晴空万里的;发音清晰的;清脆的;完全的;彻底的;整个的;全部的;足额的;满额的;悬空的;悬离的;未触及的;不接触的

pure adj.纯的;不掺杂质的;血统纯的;纯种的;纯真的;贞洁的;干净的;不含有害物质的;无杂色的;完全的;纯粹的;(科学或研究)纯理论的;抽象的;(元音)单音的;纯音的

distinct adj.不同的;不同种类的;有区别的;清楚的;清晰的;明白的;明显的;明确的;确切的

unobstructed adj.畅通的;无障碍的;不受阻碍的;通畅的;无阻挡的

limpid adj.清澈的;透明的;清晰的;明晰的;易懂的;明净的;明亮的

sober adj.清醒的;未醉的;冷静的;理智的;严肃的;持重的;朴素的;暗淡的;明智的;稳重的;庄重的

quiet adj.安静的;宁静的;平静的;寂静的;恬静的;清静的;僻静的;轻柔的;轻声的;寡言少语的;沉默的;文静的;适度的;温和的;克制的;低调的;不张扬的

plain adj.简单的;朴素的;清晰的;明显的;直白的;清楚的;平纹的;普通的;相貌平平的;纯粹的;完全的;浅白的;清淡的;未经掺杂的;坦诚的

serene adj.宁静的;平静的;安详的;安宁的;晴朗的;清澈的

peaceful adj.宁静的;和平的;平和的;平静的;安静的;不受干扰的;安详的;无争议的;爱好和平的;寻求和平的;和睦的;温和的;不诉诸战争(或暴力、争论)的

unadulterated adj.纯粹的;纯正的;未掺杂的;完全的;不掺假的;不掺杂质的

unblemished adj.无瑕疵的;完美无缺的;清白的;无污点的

innocent adj.无辜的;清白的;天真无邪的;无恶意的;纯洁的;幼稚的;未经世事的;纯真的;不懂世故的;无知的;无瑕疵的;无毒的;无辜受害的;成为牺牲品的

unmixed adj.未混合的;没有混合的;未掺杂的;没有掺杂的;纯粹的;单一的;纯正的;完全的

cleanse v.清洗(伤口);净化(思想或情感);使净化;洗涤;消毒;肃清不良因素;免除罪过;治疗;排毒(身体)

clarify v.澄清;阐明;解释;使清晰;净化;使净化;纯净;使纯净;精炼(尤指黄油);去除杂质

purge v.清除;肃清;清洗;净化;涤荡(污秽);通便;催吐;清理;清算(罪行);清理(不良分子或不良现象);摒弃;除去

exonerate v.免除;赦免;解除责任;证明无罪;开脱

absolve v.赦免;免除责任或义务;宣告…无罪;解除(某人的)罪责;宣告…无罪或无责任

acquit v.宣判无罪;释放;表现;履行(职责);完成(任务);使自己摆脱(责任、义务);自我解脱

exculpate v.开脱;辩解;证明无罪;使免罪;洗刷罪名

clean up vphr.清理;清理干净;清除(污染物);清扫;打扫;整理;收拾;(尤指在干脏活儿后)收拾干净;弄整洁;把(身体)洗干净;(警方或当局)肃清;整肃(犯罪、腐败等);把…弄干净;发大财;获得巨额利润;赚大钱;赢得(一项或系列体育竞赛或赛事)大满贯;囊括全部奖项;取得巨大成功;清除犯罪;清除不道德行为;做完;完成;用完;消耗完

settle v.解决;结束(争议、问题、分歧、纠纷等);定居;决定;确定;安排好;支付(账单);付清(欠款);安放;把…放好;落座;舒适地坐下;使平静;安静下来;使稳定;降落;使沉淀;使沉降;变得密实;(鸟类)栖息;(使)适应;殖民

clear up vphr.清理;整理;澄清;解决;放晴

count v.包括;重要;点数;(按顺序)数数;列举;认为;视为;有价值;依赖;指望;期待;把…算入;计算(或清点)总数;(被)正式接纳;正式认可

clearness n.明白;晴朗;清晰

clarity n.清晰;清楚;明晰;清晰易懂;清晰的思维;清澈;明净

clearly adv.明显地;清晰地;明白地;清楚地;显然地;无疑地;透明地;清澈地;易懂地;直观地;明确地;确切地

distinctly adv.无疑地;明显地;确实地;清楚地

plainly adv.清楚地;明显地;显然地;坦白地;不含糊地;直率地;平易地;直截了当地

thoroughly adv.彻底地;非常;完全地

completely adv.完全地;完整地;彻底地;全然地;十足地;无疑地;绝对地;整个地

  • 清唱

    sing opera arias 不化妆演唱一段至数段戏曲唱腔的表演形式

  • 矿灯清理工

    lamp trimmer

  • 清册

    detailed list 登记财物的册子

  • 清仓查库

    make an inventory of warehouses 检查、清理仓库物资

  • 清查

    check 彻底检查;查清 showdown inspection 对一个军事单位的每个人的被服和装备进行的看是否完整和适用的仔细检查

  • 清澈

    limpid 清净而明澈

  • 清晨

    morning 天亮的最初时辰

  • 清元音

    voiceless vowel

  • 清澄

    limpid 清明;清澈

  • 清除

    clear away;eliminate 全部去掉;扫除干净

  • 清白

    pure;stainless 品行纯洁,没有污点 honest 特指廉洁;不贪污 clear 清楚明白 light;brihgt 明亮 delicate and white 清秀白皙 noble;fair 旧指未操所谓卑贱职业的 complete;finish 完毕

  • 清偿

    liquidate 用付款或调整或其他解决办法进行清理(债务) discharge 解除或免除压迫或压抑(如义务、控告、刑罚)的行为 tension 偿付,为满足某种要求或尽到某种义务或免受惩罚而支付

  • 缮清

    make a fair copy

  • 清楚

    clear;distinct 清晰;明白;有条理 cool and bright 清朗 quiet and severe 清峻严整

  • 清棉间

    scutching room; blowing room

  • 清洗胃

    wash out the stomach

  • 清茶

    green tea 绿茶 tea served without refreshment 只有茶没有点心的招待

  • 清兵

    Manchu troops 满清或清朝的士兵或军队

  • 将1汤匙部分脱脂的乳干酪抹在一半的小肉桂葡萄干面包圈上。如果想要,还可以撒上肉桂,在上面放上苹果薄片。

    Spread 1 tablespoon part-skim ricotta over one-half of a small cinnamon-raisin bagel. Sprinkle with cinnamon if desired and top with a thinly sliced apple.

  • 他把此事讲得一二楚。

    He made it absolutely clear.

  • 首先,要对上个月那篇交代不的报道表示深深的歉意.

    First off, huge apologies for last month's confusing report.

  • ?道夫的污效果, 吸力大, 不留死角.

    Clean - up effects, great suction, leaving no.

  • 大凡天下事,当局者迷,旁观者

    Generally, for matters under heaven, those closely involved cannot see as clearly as those outside.

  • 旅客必须于中午前办手续离开, 否则将收取全日费用。

    Guests must check out before noon, or they will be charged for the day.

  • 接待的人会立即打开红包,数里面的钱,然后把金额记录在登记簿上,就记在来宾名字的旁边。

    The attendants will open the packets at once, count the money inside, and record it on a register next to the guests' names.

  • 湖水如明镜。

    The lake is as clear as a bright mirror.

  • 一个测试是他的草稿,另一个是稿。

    One test is his roughs and the other the clean ups.

  • 他们成了军队人员与平民雇员之间身份界定不的人。

    They fell into that twilight zone between military personnel and civilian employees.

  • 中介机构加快国际货物关。

    The facilitating agencies expedite the clearance of international cargo.

  • “嗯,”他承认道,“我有时候说话的确有点吐字不。”

    "Well," he conceded, "I do sometimes mumble a bit."

  • 割,筛和去壳以后才出售。

    Rice is gathered, cleaned and hulled before being sold.

  • 来自河南的51岁的胡书花费数年收集了1万多双这样的鞋子。

    Hu Shuqing, 51, from Henan Province, has spent many years collecting more than 10,000 pairs of the shoes.

  • 他们打算把街上所有的毒品贩子都走。

    They aim to clear every dealer from the street.

  • 夫发现,对于大多数地震来说,震中附近的时间间隔都很短;震中指的是地表上震动最强烈的地方。

    For most earthquakes, Wadati discovered, the interval was quite short near the epicenter; the point on the surface where shaking is strongest.

  • 她的本意是什么,那是一二楚的。

    It was palpably clear what she really meant.

  • 这种改变体质的药物以其血功能而闻名。

    This alterative is known for its ability to cleanse the blood.

  • 蒙了一层灰尘后颜色就很难看了。

    It was hard to see the colours under the layer of dust.

  • 另一方面,你很可能没法数自己到底有多少次这样想:真庆幸谈话结束了。

    On the other hand, you probably can't count the times that you've thought, "I'm glad that talk is over."

  • 我听到有声音,却听不他们在说些什么。

    I heard the voices, but couldn't make out what they were saying.

  • 他住院了,意识仍然不

    He's in hospital, and in a confused state of mind.

  • 每次用完厨房的水槽,我都要进行更,并保持柜台和桌子的干净。

    I clean my kitchen sink every time I use it, and keep the counters and table clean.

  • 他休想骗我,我把他的底细摸得一二楚。

    He can't fool me—I've got him taped.

  • 这个你读起来楚?

    Is it clear enough for you to read?

  • 第二天天亮了,万里无云,天朗气

    The next day dawned cloudless and fair.

  • 应用乳酸灌洗法造脂肪肝模型大鼠。

    Fatty liver model rats were made by orotic acid douche.

  • 过去数不的冤假错案和枉法行为给人们带来了创伤。

    The past has been scarred by countless mistrials and perversions of justice.

  • 在参加该项目之前必须结余账。

    You have to pay your outstanding bill before joining the scheme.

  • 他提议委员会应同这种行为撇关系。

    He proposed that the Council should disassociate itself from such behaviour.

  • 请交我一份样稿。

    Please given me a clean copy.

  • 出了很多汗的他打着冷战,含糊不地说出了他的遗言。

    Profusely sweating and quivering with chills, he murmured his last words.

  • 我推荐乳或者大豆蛋白奶昔。

    I recommend either whey or soy protein shakes.

  • 副皮质区随着中等大小的胞质、核不规则的淋巴瘤细胞而扩大。

    Paracortical areas expanded with moderate size lymphoma cells with clear cytoplasm and irregular nuclei.

  • 他咕嘟喝了一口咖啡。

    He takes a slurp from a cup of black coffee.

  • 他把学生逐一点

    He counted out pupils one by one.

  • 水太,则无雨.

    The water that is too clean has no fish.

  • 克罗斯嗓子,开始有礼貌地低声说话。

    Cross cleared his throat and spoke in low, polite tones.

  • 梅尔了几次嗓子,又接着往下说。

    Meer cleared his throat several times before he went on.

  • 那汤既稀又,但味道却出奇地足。

    The soup was thin and clear, yet mysteriously rich.

  • 咖啡在嘴里留下苦味。

    Black coffee leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.

  • 在黑暗中很难看得他的脸。

    His face was barely discernible in the gloom.

  • 那是一个天朗气的秋天的黄昏。

    It was a crisp autumn evening.

  • 让我们行动起来,共同建设天蓝、地绿、水的美丽新中国!

    Let's take actions to create a beautiful new China where the sky is blue, the land is green, and the water is clear.

  • 有很多特效的时候,高电视就格外有用了。

    HDTV is especially useful if there are a lot of special effects.

  • 3月30日,上海副市长吴用华为 Mate X 智能手机打了第一通 5G 视频电话。

    On March 30, Shanghai's vice mayor Wu Qing made the first 5G video call on the Huawei Mate X Smartphone.

  • 小玛菲特小姐坐在矮凳上,吃着凝乳和乳

    Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet eating some curds and whey.

  • 我的意思你是一二楚的。

    You know perfectly well what I mean.

  • 张和外国医生分享了莲花瘟等中药的优势。

    Zhang shared the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine like LianhuaQingwen with foreign doctors.

  • 安全阀安装前对管道必须进行彻底的管吹扫处理.

    Be sure blow - clean the pipe before installation.

  • 这水很

    The water is quite clear.

  • 请隔天到门诊创一次.

    Come to the clinic to have the wound cleaned every other day.

  • 他的眼睛近视得利害,放到眼底下才看得

    He is so nearsighted that he can just see the things put before his eyes.

  • 用钢丝刷刷接线柱和夹子.

    Clean posts and clamp with wire brush.

  • 将它们在0.02%胰岛素酶乳蛋白水解液中洗涤。

    They were washed in 0.02% insulinase lactalbumin hydrolysate solution.

  • 我也说不,也许这里变化太大了,都快认不出来了。

    I don't know. The place has probably changed so much, you wouldn't even recognize it anymore.

  • 所以现在他们让你服用大把的药物,让你飘飘欲仙,而你也因为吸食了毒品而变得神志不,所以你会说,这方法还挺管用的。

    So nowadays they just pump you full of some drug to get you really happy and so you're really stoned out of your head, you're and say this isn't so bad.

  • 我都记不我们拒绝了多少次。

    I can't tell you how much we've pushed back.

  • 嘿,谢尔顿。佩妮。今晚跑三楼了,弄不了?

    Hey, Sheldon. Penny. Third floor tonight, mixing it up?

  • 要想解释这一点还是比较费劲的,但要用语言来说明就很简单了

    And there's a lot to be said about this but it could be pretty simply illustrated in language.

  • 没有,我只是没说,我能飞,但不是每天都能飞。

    No, I fibbed. I can fly. Just not every day.

  • 你可能看不这个幻灯片,但是这里有一副世界地图,上面准确的展现了在二零零七年八月到,在屏幕上没有显示出来,是到二零零八年二月之间发生的,所有小儿麻痹症的个案

    You can't see this too well but there's a map of the world here that actually shows you all the individual cases of polio that occurred between this period of August 2007 and, it's cut off on the screen, February of 2008.

  • 对不起我没听,常量?哦,常量意味着无论数组的大小?

    Don't think so, right? So, what does this suggest? Sorry?

  • 我们还要继续按时间表来吗?对不起,我听不太

    Are we still sticking to the timeline? I'm sorry, I couldn't quite hear you.

  • 这种叫做加尔文宿命论的观点,与主流英国教主义相一致。

    And this belief that's called Calvinist predestination is really at the heart of mainstream English Puritanism at this point.

  • 首先,太阳能板被掉了。可能是风刮走的。

    For a start. Solar panels have been cleaned. They could've been cleaned by wind.

  • 什么能量,我没听

    Energy--pardon me?

  • 接下来的当代历史,包括所有引领着弥尔顿所钟爱的教徒革命的,暴风性事件,在那场革命中,弥尔顿本人也参与其中,-所有那些至少在文义层面,在独立于本诗之外可说的层面,都是很重要的。

    The rest of contemporary history, including all of the stormy events leading up to Milton's own beloved Puritan Revolution, in which Milton himself, of course, had participated -all of that has been at least at the literal level, at the explicit level, expunged from the poem.

  • 她可能会消失,但要想她会任何东西,那是不可能的。

    She might disappear, but she's definitely not cleaning anything.

  • 这似乎就像是一场教革命。

    it seems more or less to be a Puritan Revolution.

  • 弗兰尼又了喉咙,他的自欺式的自白得到了倾听,遇到了好听众,为什么,她问。

    Franny again cleared her throat. Apparently, her self-imposed sentence of unadulterated good listenership had been fully served. "Why?" she asked.

  • 我们在今天的阅读中发现自己,《论出版自由》,在英国革命,也就是有时被称为教改革,的过程中。

    We find ourselves in today's reading, Areopagitica in the middle of the English Revolution, sometimes called the Puritan Revolution.

  • 你没洗过卡布奇诺机吗?我当然洗了,我是说我会洗,我会的。好。

    You don't clean the cappuccino machine? Of course I clean it. I mean, I will clean it. I mean, I will clean it. Oh, all right, fine, fine, fine.

  • 请再大声点说出来,不要连我都听不

    Shout out, even I can't hear you.

  • 我还是说不,知道吗? 学我这样做。

    I still can't tell, Oh, you know what? Okay, uh, give me some of this.

  • 因为今天早上功放有点问题,你没法听到底是什么

    Because the condition of the amplifier this morning, you can't hear what that is.

  • 相似性能预测到一段婚姻是否会成功,人们也解释不这个现象,相处久了,夫妻之间就有了夫妻相。

    Similarity predicts the success of a marriage and through a phenomena people aren't exactly sure about, couples become more and more similar over the course of a relationship.

  • 哦,真要命,人家只是走开了一下,肠子,顺便追一下斗篷战士[蝙蝠侠别称]的冒险之旅,再出来就发现家里赫然变成卡巴莱酒馆了。

    Oh, dear Lord. A man pops out for a moment to evacuate his bowels and catch up on the adventures of the Caped Crusader, only to emerge and discover his apartment has been transformed into a cabaret.

  • 谢尔顿,你有数不的时间能看这电影。

    Sheldon, you can see this movie whenever you want.

  • 我听不你们说的是什么,不好意思。

    I couldn't tell what you said, sorry.

  • >,学生:【听不的】,>>,大卫:好问题。

    > Student: >> David: So good question.

  • 太好了,栅栏已补,误会已,去打保龄球吧。

    All right! Fence mended, problem swept under the rug. Time to bowl!

  • 我们将会看到数不的错误信息,当你在家里做习题集的时候,这也是学习的一种方式。

    And we'll see innumerable error messages today and onward as with you working at home ends on the problem sets 'cause this is the way you learn.

  • 我以为我知道自己在为谁撒谎,可现在我已经分不了。

    I thought I knew whose lies I was telling, but I guess I can't tell the difference anymore.

  • 水得具有自动洁免于维护污水过滤等功能,保证大大延长你水族箱里的鱼的寿命。

    The Aquascum 2003 is an all-purpose, self-cleaning maintenance-free, salt-water purifier that is guaranteed to extend the life of your aquarium fish.

  • 看到没?你们也分不谁是谁。我们可没有跟哪个胡搞。

    You see you can't tell which one is which either. We didn't fool around with any of them.

  • 抱歉,我没太听

    I didn't quite hear that, sorry.

  • 是劫车,是个男人,什么样的男人?那部分记不了。

    A carjacking. A man. What sort of man? That part's fuzzy.

  • 啊,不错。啊啊! 诅咒你, 水得!

    Ooh. Nice. Curse you, Aquascum!

  • 第二步:在中国新年到来之前,扫房屋,解决和朋友之间的未债务。

    Step 2: Before the Chinese New Year arrives, clean your house, and settle any outstanding debts with friends.

  • 您真心议和,道皇后本也接受了。

    You negotiated a true peace. Empress Dowager would've embraced it.

  • 大家很聪明,当然看得懂,但还是很多人搞不它的含义,因为很多人认为所谓一份食物就是指,一包,一瓶或一盒内的食物总量,而没看整个包装内实际上有几份食物

    Of course you guys are savvy enough to know this, but a lot of people get fooled because many people believe that a serving is what's ever in a bag, or a bottle, or a box, and they don't look and see how many servings are actually in it.

  • >,学生:【听不的】

    > Student: .

  • 它起源明显的规划,是教-,与天主教的紧张关系在以色列历史中的体现。

    And it stems from an obvious projection of the Protestant- Catholic tension onto Israelite history.

  • 有数不的工作室,其中的大多数是针对大学生的。“大众瑜伽”工作室就是在那儿。

    There are tons of studios, and most of those are college kids. That's where "Yoga to the People" is.

  • 最诡异的事情是发生的时候,我正在她的灵气,当她的灵魂离开身体的时候,我不认为它走远了。

    Oh, but the weirdest thing was, okay, I was cleansing her aura when it happened, and when her spirit left her body, I don't think it went very far.

  • 这时的我已经有些神志不,真想回去看看,小饭馆里奇怪的幽灵一般的母亲。

    I wanted to go back and leer at my strange Dickensian mother in the hash joint. I tingled all over from head to foot.

  • 那些教会的要员本质上都是罗得主教任命的,他在17世纪40年代被教的革命者和,长老所取代:,就是被每个教会的会众选出的教会的牧师。

    those church officials essentially appointed by Archbishop William Laud, were replaced in the early 1640s by means of the success of the Puritan revolutionaries and were replaced by presbyters: ministers who were chosen by individual congregations.

  • 我们将在一张大的绘图纸上,写下这些内容以便你们看得更,并让他把内容整合一下。

    We will probably doing it on a big piece of drawn paper so you can see it and I will have him script the words.

  • 噢,我们不太好比较第二和第三选项3,这里看不了。

    oh, it's kind of hard to compare case 2 and 3 when we can't see it anymore.

  • 创建一个函数来做这个工作又有,什么意义呢?对不起我没听

    Why was it worth creating a function to do this? Pardon?

  • 所以尊严是可以赢回来的,没听

    That can be brought back. And I don't mean puppies.

  • 我站着的时候就算不乘法了

    I can't multiply while I'm standing up.

  • 新教宗教改革,尤其是活力不断上升的教主义,在17世纪早期,为了改变这种状态开始做出许多努力。

    The Protestant Reformation, and especially the rising energies of Puritanism in the early seventeenth century, are beginning to do a lot to change this state of affairs.


qīng ㄑㄧㄥ

  • 水或其他液体、气体纯净透明,没有混杂的东西,与“”相对:~水。~泉。~流(①澄澈的水流,如“一股~~”;②旧时指负有名望,不肯与权贵同流合污的士大夫)。~澈。~碧。~朗。~新。~醇。月白风~。
  • 安静,不烦:冷~。凄~。~闲。~静。~淡。~幽。~谧(宁静)。
  • 单纯不杂:~唱。~茶。
  • 明白,明晰:~楚。~晰。~醒。~通(文章层次清楚)。~亮。
  • 一点不留,净尽:~除。肃~。~剿。~洗。~君侧(清除国君身边的亲信)。
  • 整理,查验:~理。~查。~点。~仓。
  • 详细登记:~册。~单。
  • 公正,廉洁:~廉。~正。~官。~绩。
  • 洁净,纯洁:~洁。~爽。冰~玉洁。
  • 高洁,高尚的,高明的:~高。~绮。~雅。~操。~介(清高耿直)。~望(清白高尚的声望)。~识(高明的见识)。
  • 太平,不乱:~平。~泰。~和。
  • 中国朝代名:~代。~宫秘史。
  • 姓。

英语 clear, pure, clean; peaceful

德语 klar (Adj)​,erfreulich, angenehm (Adj)​,geklärt (Adj)​,Qing-Dynastie (1644-1911)​ (S)

法语 clair,pur,distinct,net,liquider




(1) (形声。从水,青声。“青”,碧绿透彻,也有表意作用。本义:水清)

(2) 同本义。与“浊”相对 [limpid]




临清流而赋诗。——· 陶渊明《归去来兮辞》

发之欲其清。——· 柳宗元《柳河东集》

水尤清冽。——· 柳宗元《至小丘西小石潭记》


(3) 清洁;洁净;纯洁 [clean;pure]







(4) 清明 [clear and bright]




(5) 清凉 [cool]



清风半夜鸣蝉。——· 辛弃疾《西江月》

清风徐来。——· 魏学《核舟记》


(6) 清冷,凄清 [chilly]

渌水荡漾清猿啼。——· 李白《梦游天姥吟留别》

清角吹寒。——· 姜夔《扬州慢》

更那堪冷落清秋节。——· 柳永《雨霖铃》

(7) 清平;太平 [peaceful and orderly]

之时,居 北海之滨,以待天下之清也。——《孟子·万章下》


(8) 寂静 [quiet]


(9) 清雅高尚 [morally lofty or upright]



(10) 清白 [fair]



(11) 清静;恬静 [quiet]



(12) 清正 [clear and upright]




(13) 清廉 [honest and upright]




(14) 清香、清馨、清醇 [delicate fragrance]

香远益清。——· 周敦颐《爱莲说》

(15) 无余 [without residue]


(16) 清雅 [elegant]


(17) 通“精”。纯粹 [pure]





(1) 朝代名 [the Qing Dynasty]。公元1616—1911年,满族人爱新觉罗·努尔哈赤所建。初名后金,1636年改为清。1644年入关,定都北京


(2) 滤去酒糟的甜酒 [rice wine]


(3) 通“圊”。粪槽,厕所 [latrine]




(1) 清理 [liquidate]


(2) 清除 [clear]



(3) 付款结 [帐] [settle]。 如: 帐清了吗





免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of