1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-04 12:27:46


chant; sing; sigh; hum; recite; groan; compose



chant n.圣歌;颂歌;反复而有节奏的短句;吟诵;反复的吟唱;(体育比赛中的)助威歌;(抗议活动中的)口号歌曲

sing v.唱;唱歌;演唱;歌唱;歌颂;吟唱;鸣叫;啼鸣;鸣;啼;发嗖嗖声;发出嗡嗡声;呜呜作响;用诗(或歌)赞颂;高声叫喊;随音乐哼唱

sigh v.叹息;叹气;发出长气;表示失望或疲劳的呼吸;渴望;思念;哀叹;呼啸;悲鸣

hum v.发出嗡嗡声;哼歌;发出低沉连续的声音;充满活力;繁忙;充满嘈杂声

recite v.背诵;朗诵;(尤指对听众)吟诵;(口头)列举;叙述;述说;逐一陈述;详细说明;逐项报告

groan v.呻吟;叹息;哼哼;抱怨;发牢骚;嘟囔;发出低沉的声音;发出似呻吟的声音

compose v.创作(音乐);作曲;撰写;写作;组成;构成(一个整体);编排;排列;安排;使平静;使镇定;使镇静

poet n.诗人;作诗者

  • 吟游

    minstrelsy 游唱诗人的艺术与职业;特指游唱诗人的歌唱与表演

  • 吟风弄月

    sing of the moon and the wind;sentimental verse 用风花雪月作题材写作以抒发超然、闲适的心情。现也指作品内容空虚,逃避现实,用为贬义 也说“吟风咏月”

  • 吟缶之乐

    joy of singing folk songs

  • 吟诵

    chant;recite 有节奏地诵读诗文

  • 吟哦

    recite;chant 有节奏地诵读 write poet;polish 写作诗词;推敲诗句

  • 银杏花开的日子,蝴蝶飞满草坪,让我们用青春来读这个季节的魅力。

    When gingko blooms and butterflies flutter over the lawn, let us sing the praises of the beauty of the season with our youth.

  • 蜜蜂在鲜红的罂粟花和艳紫的蓟草花之间飞舞嗡嗡低.

    Bees moved , humming thoughtfully , from scarlet poppy to purple thistle.

  • 他说的 “ 将军 ”,是因写《将军》而得名.

    The " General " got his name for his novel The General.

  • 直到末日来临你也要记得我。-----《月》。

    Remember me always, until the day you die.

  • 《红楼梦》里林黛玉的鹦鹉会叫丫头打帘子,还会背《葬花》等若干诗句。

    In 《Dream of the Red Chamber》, the parrot of Lindaiyu could call girls to open door curtain, and repeat some poem.

  • 然后独隐在蜂的深处.

    And live alone in the bee - loud glade.

  • 雪,雪……真的是你!

    Sing snow, sing snow ……really is you!

  • 一个游歌手迈进了大门!

    A minstrel enters at the door!

  • 秋猛转脸看见, 把不住心头一跳.

    Chu Yin - chiu was the first to see them, and he could not suppress a start.

  • 我会用我的游诗人歌曲帮你集中精神!

    I'll use my bard song to help you concentrate!

  • 这是神圣的仪式,在颂咒咒文的法师跟前就这样做。

    It's a holy cerony, it's done just like this in front of chanting priests.

  • 他会教你一首新的咏

    And He'll give you a new, sweet song.

  • 我再也没有给他过诗。

    I never read poetry to him again.

  • 歌手漫步四野。

    The minstrel wandered far and wide.

  • 他用柔和的假声自自唱。

    He sang to himself in a soft falsetto.

  • 雪,雪……真的是你!

    Sing snow, sing snow...... really is you!

  • 这时你该为我一首诗。

    Then now for me you should read some poems.

  • 七月如诗,一路走,一路……我愿,共影蝶舞,邀明月对饮,把酒清歌赋诗。

    July is like a poem, a road, a road Yin... I wish, affected splendor, invite the moon drink, wine clear song poems.

  • 诗人李贺曾“天若有情天亦老”,天就因其无情才千古不变,没有老去。

    Poet Li Zeng Yin, "a Moment of Romance is also the old days", days before its ruthless unchanged through the ages, there is no growing old.

  • 他们欢宴狂饮,还有游诗人的歌唱作伴助兴.

    There were feasts and drinking and singing by the bards.

  • 中国校园文学社团联盟,红柳·酒醉心清起舞

    Union campus literary societies of China tamarisk drunken hearts and dancing Yin.

  • 他要是捞不到朱秋的干茧, 可就有点窘, —— ”

    If he doesn't get Chu Yin - chiu's cocoons, he'll be in a bit of a jam - "

  • 熊 咆 龙殷岩泉, 栗深林兮惊层巅.

    " Bears , dragons , tempestuous on mountain and river , Startle t he forest and make the heights tremble . "

  • 熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会

    Read Tang poetry 300 will not make poetry can alsochant.

  • 翁就受过他的气 —— ”

    Our friend Yin - chiu here , for instance , had suffered at his hands in exactly that way - "

  • 微微一笑,转身离开,而后朝梦的方向且行且

    Smiled and turned to leave, and then towards the direction of the dream and the rows and Yin.

  • 于是游诗人与国王之间就产生了深厚的感情.

    A strong love has sprung up between the minstrel and the king.

  • 母爱是中国古代诗歌中反复出现的主题,如唐代诗人孟郊的《游子》。

    Motherlove is a repeated subject in Chinese ancient poems, like "Song of the Parting Son" by Meng Jiao, a poet of the Tang dynasty.

  • 呦诗人创造他们自己的歌曲有串一起的作用。

    Bards are able to create their own songs by stringing effects together.

  • “感谢你让太阳温暖我们,”王后颂着。

    "We thank you for the sun that warms us," chanted the queen.

  • 寺庙里颂佛经,准备含有豆类、坚果和干果的粥来纪念佛祖。

    Sutras were chanted in the temples and rice porridge with beans, nuts and dried fruit was prepared for the Buddha.

  • 笑笑的说出自己的想法,宋雪一脸看不出深意的表情。

    Smile of speak own viewpoint, Sung sings snow an face to tin not narrate the facial statement of deep fancy.

  • 轮胎在公路上嚓嚓低.

    The tires sang over the highway.

  • 我想念颂的喜悦,也想念感受自己单薄的声音因与其他人一起合唱而变得完整的感觉。

    I missed the joy of chanting and feeling my own thin voice being made whole by others joining it in unison.

  • 怎么自己起诗来了?

    But why are you reciting a poem?

  • 那时,你我相知相惜,才将江山低浅,素手已把墨香翻。

    At that time, you are my friend, will Jiangshan low shallow sing, hand have ink over.

  • 主啊,这是什么歌,魔术般力量?

    Lord, what is this chant, what magic art.

  • 他们在欧洲的确是作为游诗人而留存到中世纪的.

    They survived, indeed, in Europe as the minstrels into the Middle Ages.

  • 陈君宜和 朱 秋对看着皱了眉头.

    Chen Chun - yi and Chu Yin - chiu looked at one another and frowned.

  • 着最喜欢的赞美诗,但此刻渐渐模糊

    singing his favorite hymn, but faint now

  • 依富高的女性通常都是在收割、丧礼与婚礼时颂此史诗。

    The epic is chanted by Ifugao women usually at harvest time, funeral wakes, and weddings.

  • 涤濯魂,拟摘黄花句。

    Zhuo soul to sing, polyester pick yellow flower words.

  • 他用柔和的假声自自唱。

    He sang to himself in a soft falsetto.

  • 想我给你些《寒山诗》? 想我告诉你关于<寒山子>的?。

    Want me to read you parts of this Han Shan poem? Want me to tell you about Han Shan?

  • 微风吹到平台时,棕榈叶片发出簌簌的低.

    When these breezes reached the platform the palm - fronds would whisper.

  • 罗马教皇的颂是在哥特式教堂的声学特性下发展起来的,随后巴洛克音乐被书写出来以迎合当时的教堂环境。

    Gregorian chant grew out of the acoustical characteristics of the Gothic cathedrals, and subsequently baroque music was written to accommodate the churches of the time.

  • 秋也学着样.

    Seeing him get up, Chu Yin - chiu followed suit.

  • 温雅的歌手!你着崇高的诗篇;

    Most gracious singer of the high poems!

  • 礼拜堂里,你会听到修女们颂着祷文。

    In the chapel you can listen to the nuns chanting their prayers.

  • 同时有时候像“超级酿”或“特殊酿造”这样的字样会出现在标签上。

    Also, sometimes terms like "Super Ginjo" or "Specially Brewed" appear on labels.

  • 母亲节的时候,我们演唱的游子特别惹观众喜欢!

    Mother r's day, we sang wanderer, especially make the audience like it!

  • 他不是穿着实验室工作服,而是脚踏牛仔靴,头戴牛仔帽,着自己的牛仔诗。

    Instead of a lab coat, he wore cowboy boots and a cowboy hat, and doled out his version of cowboy poetry.

  • 歌手将长笛置于唇前。

    The minstrel set flute to his lips.

  • 这张是他年老时,一个杂志上的游诗人。

    This is Frost in old age, as an American bard from a magazine.

  • 普鲁弗洛克》本身并不优美动人,作者也并非游诗人。

    Prufrock isn't beautiful and its author is not a bard.

  • 没那么长,但也足够长了,他们会以诗韵或者音乐的节调传唱同样的故事,你能从不同的游诗人口中认出这个故事

    Nothing that long, but long enough in which they would tell the same stories in verse and music, and you could recognize the story as you went from bard to bard.

  • 莫里斯·舍瓦利埃是个低男歌手,是个歌手,他是,要是你家长了解法国的话,他是那种你的爷爷都可能听说过的人,他是巴黎一个贫穷的地方的人,是从梅尼尔蒙当来的,他带着个草帽唱曲子,"小伙子们真不错",所有这些东西

    Maurice Chevalier was a crooner, he was a singer, he was--if your parents knew about France, he was the person that your grandparents even had heard about, and he was somebody from a poor part of Paris, and he was from Menilmontant, and he had this straw hat and he sung tunes-- "Very good my boys," And all of this stuff.



yín ㄧㄣˊ

  • 唱,声调抑扬地念:~咏。~诵。~味(吟咏玩味,体味)。~讽(吟咏讽诵)。
  • 叹息,痛苦的声音:~啸(a.悲哀愤慨地长叹;b.吟咏)。呻~。
  • .中国古代诗歌的一种名称:秦妇~。
  • 鸣,叫:风~。猿~。

英语 sing, hum; recite; type of poetry

德语 summen ,wehklagen, aufstöhnen





(1) (形声。从口,今声。唫为吟的本字。本义:呻吟、叹息)

(2) 同本义 [sigh;groan]





相送悲吟不尽情,关山陇坂高无极。——· 何景明《陇右行送徐少参》

(3) 又如:吟呻(呻吟。因痛苦而发出哼哼声);吟啸(悲叹;哀号)

(4) 吟咏;诵读 [chant;recite]





(5) 又如:吟盐咏絮(对盐吟咏女子的赞词);吟月(对月吟诗);吟弄(吟唱;吟咏);吟呻(吟咏;推敲诗句);吟玩(吟咏玩赏);吟颂(讴吟歌诵);吟诗(吟诵诗歌);吟歌(吟咏歌唱);吟写(吟咏抒写)

(6) 鸣,叫 [sing]

熊咆龙吟。——· 李白《梦游天姥吟留别》

(7) 又如:吟叫(鸣叫);吟吼(吼叫);吟鸟(善鸣的鸟);吟蛩(鸣叫着的蟋蟀);吟鸣(鸣叫);吟啸(呼啸;呼叫);吟虫(善鸣的虫)

(8) 作诗,写诗;推敲字句 [compose]


(9) 又如:吟怀(作诗的情怀);吟讽(作诗。亦谓作诗讽刺)




(1) 古典诗词的一种名称 [song (as a type of classical poetry)]。如:吟卷(诗册;诗稿);吟草(诗稿);吟轴(诗卷;诗册);吟笺(诗稿);吟集(诗集);《秦中吟》

(2) 诗人 [poet]。如:吟肩(诗人的肩膀);吟骨(诗人的精神);吟客(诗人);吟堂(诗人的堂室,书斋);吟眸(诗人的视野);吟笔(诗人的笔);吟窗(诗人的居住的窗户);吟魂(诗人的灵魂)



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of