1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-28 17:08:37
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prosperous; thriving; flourishing; booming; buoyant


flower; prosper; flourish; thrive; boom


prosperity; boom; bonanza; buoyancy; well-being; up; plenty

prosperous adj.繁荣的;富裕的;兴旺的;成功的;昌盛的;富有的;生意兴隆的

thriving adj.兴旺的;旺盛的;繁荣的

flourishing adj.繁荣的;盛行的;繁茂的

booming adj.飞速发展的;繁荣的;突然兴旺的;生意兴隆的;大受欢迎的;暴涨的;激增的;急速增长的

buoyant adj.有浮力的;漂浮的;能浮起的;轻快的;乐观的;繁荣的;充满活力的;振奋的;轻松愉快的;市场看涨的;保持高价的

flower n.花;花朵;花卉;开花植物;盛开;全盛期;<比喻>精华;精英;精粹;最佳部分

prosper v.繁荣;成功;使成功;蓬勃发展;健康成长;使兴旺

flourish v.繁荣;兴旺;茂盛;成功;迅速发展;(为引起注意)挥舞;炫耀;挥动(以引起注意);繁茂;昌盛

thrive v.繁荣;旺盛;兴旺发达;茁壮成长;蓬勃发展;健康成长;成功;昌盛;蒸蒸日上;欣欣向荣;事业有成;生意兴隆

boom n.(价格等的)暴涨;迅速增长;(营业等的)激增;(经济)繁荣;隆隆声;低沉有回响的声音;(照相机或麦克风的)活动支架;吊杆;话筒吊杆;水上拦截设施;障碍物;(船的)横桅;起重臂;水栅;流木挡栅;帆桁;帆杆

prosperity n.繁荣;昌盛;富裕;兴盛;兴旺;丰收;成功;幸运;顺利;经济繁荣;经济增长

bonanza n.富矿脉;幸运;富饶;兴盛;发财(或成功)的机遇;繁荣;生意兴隆

buoyancy n.浮力;上升能力;恢复力;轻松愉快的心情;(经济的)繁荣

well-being n.幸福;福祉;康乐;安宁

up adv.到;朝;在;向;发生;出现;向上;形成;聚拢;完全;完结;关闭;在上面;加大;增高;朝(某人或某物)的方向;已结束;成碎片;向…的地方;向较高水平;在较高水平

plenty pron.大量;众多;许多;充足;充沛

  • 教育对于促进繁荣社会至关重要。

    Education is essential for the furtherance of a prosperous society.

  • 国家正值国泰民安、繁荣昌盛的时期。

    The country is enjoying a period of peace and prosperity.

  • 腐败看来没有减缓该国持续的经济繁荣

    The corruption does not seem to have muted the country's prolonged economic boom.

  • 他在房地产繁荣期发了一小笔财。

    He made a small fortune in the property boom.

  • 在20世纪80年代的房地产繁荣时期,抬价毁约是司空见惯的现象。

    During the 1980s property boom, gazumping was common.

  • 有些繁荣是建立在希望之上。

    Some of the booms are based on hope.

  • 我们必须避免类似20世纪80年代那样破坏性的繁荣-萧条周期。

    We must avoid the damaging boom-bust cycles which characterized the 1980s.

  • 明朝的艺术和文化非常繁荣

    The art and culture of the Ming Dynasty were very prosperous.

  • 教育是繁荣社会的基础。

    Education is the bedrock of a prosperous society.

  • 农村出现了前所未有的繁荣

    A prosperity never seen before appeared in the countryside.

  • 让市中心更加繁荣的措施

    measures to revitalize the inner cities

  • 在战后那段繁荣昌盛的时期里,生活水平得到了迅速提高。

    Living standards improved rapidly during the post-war boom.

  • 后来,运河带来了新的繁荣,然后是铁路。

    Later, canals came to bring new prosperity, and then the railways.

  • 他们的繁荣依靠的是出口带来的增长。

    Their prosperity depends on export-led growth.

  • 当然,繁荣之后并不总是萧条。

    Of course, booms aren't always followed by busts.

  • 肮脏的街道绝不是繁荣社会的景象。

    Dirty streets are no advertisement for a prosperous society.

  • 我们坚定的信念是卫生保健的改善会带来更加茁壮、繁荣的经济。

    It is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy.

  • 商业繁荣,外国人争相投资。

    Business is booming and foreigners are scrambling to invest.

  • 20世纪80年代确实是繁荣的时代。

    The 1980s were indeed boom years.

  • 巴塞罗那已经成为地中海地区最具活力、最为繁荣的城市之一。

    Barcelona has become one of the most dynamic and prosperous cities in the Mediterranean.

  • 繁荣的贸易数据背后掩盖着贸易极不景气的真相。

    The healthy trade figures mask a much gloomier picture.

  • 对联上的词句表达了对新年繁荣的希望。

    The phrases on the couplets express hopes for a prosperous new year.

  • 教育是繁荣社会的关键。

    Education is the linchpin of a prosperous society.

  • 它们的房价与它们的繁荣息息相关。

    Their housing prices were linked with their prosperity.

  • 波斯顿迅速成为一个繁荣的港口。

    Boston quickly became a flourishing port.

  • 接着是一个经济的繁荣,尤其在住房和建筑方面。

    An economic boom followed, especially in housing and construction.

  • 一个繁荣的经济对每个人都有好处。

    A prosperous economy benefits everyone.

  • 它的对外贸易正在繁荣

    It is flourishing in foreign trade.

  • 20世纪80年代的经济繁荣导致了对高油耗汽车的喜爱。

    The boom of the 1980s led to a taste for petrol-guzzling cars.

  • 高端市场业务繁荣

    At the premium end of the market, business is booming.

  • 祝贵国繁荣昌盛, 人民幸福。

    We wish your country prosperity and her people happiness.

  • 我希望我们的国家越来越繁荣

    I hope our country becomes more and more prosperous.

  • 接着出现了经济繁荣,尤其是在房地产业和建筑业。

    An economic boom followed, especially in housing and construction.

  • 战争榨干了原本繁荣的亚美尼亚经济。

    The war has bled the once-strong Armenian economy dry.

  • 新建房屋的数目是国家繁荣的一个有用指标。

    The number of new houses being built is a good index of a country's prosperity.

  • 教育是繁荣社会的支柱。

    Education is the mainstay of a prosperous society.

  • 20世纪80年代的经济繁荣使人们喜欢上高油耗的汽车。

    The boom of the 1980s led to a taste for petrol-guzzling cars.

  • 经济繁荣关键取决于一个开放的世界贸易体系。

    Economic prosperity depends critically on an open world trading system.

  • 他那时在追求一个不切实际的世界繁荣之梦。

    He was pursuing a utopian dream of world prosperity.

  • 我们必须避免出现20世纪80年代那样具有破坏性的繁荣萧条交替循环的局面。

    We must avoid the damaging boom-bust cycles which characterised the 1980s.

  • 这个国家即将变得繁荣昌盛。

    The country was on the verge of becoming prosperous and successful.

  • 这个城市因为旅游业而变得繁荣

    The city has become prosperous because of tourism.

  • 唐朝的文化和艺术非常繁荣

    The culture and art of the Tang Dynasty were very prosperous.

  • 这个城市19世纪的繁荣是建立在钢铁工业基础上的。

    The town's nineteenth-century prosperity was built on steel.

  • 新的协议唤起了人们对繁荣与和谐前景的期望.

    The new agreement raised hopes for conditions of prosperity and harmony.

  • 到1988年为止经济一直很繁荣

    By 1988 the economy was booming.

  • 到1988年经济一直很繁荣

    By 1988 the economy was booming.

  • 肮脏的街道和无家可归现象绝不是繁荣社会的景象。

    Dirty streets and homelessness are no advertisement for a prosperous society.

  • 商业街上的银行仍旧一派繁荣景象。

    The high street banks continue to prosper.

  • 我们未来的繁荣昌盛依赖经济的发展。

    Our future prosperity depends on economic growth.

  • 20世纪90年代经济繁荣的岁月

    the go-go years of the 1990s

  • 而且通过推动墨西哥、加拿大和美国的经济繁荣,它将会帮助我们在解决与我们大家有关的问题上取得进展。

    And by boosting economic prosperity in Mexico, Canada and the United States, it will help us move forward on issues that concern all of us.

  • 今年的高利率并不表明市场繁荣

    High interest rates do not point to a buoyant market this year.

  • 我们繁荣发展之地,就是文化衰落之地。

    Where we flourish, their cultures wither.

  • 面对和平与繁荣,还有什么能引起愤怒呢?

    With real peace and prosperity, what's to be furious about?

  • 由图表中可见,这三个国家的,地产价格一直没有明显趋势,只是近年来才出现繁荣

    You can see that in all these countries real estate prices didn't show much trend until recently and now they all have real estate booms.

  • 行为金融学将是我这门课的主题,而且也是《非理性繁荣》这本书的主题

    This will be a theme of my course and also a theme of this book, Irrational Exuberance.

  • 我想说下当代的房地产繁荣,而且对此我有很多想说的

    I want to talk about the current boom and I have so much to say about this.

  • 在房地产繁荣时期,市场持续火热,人们就认为房价再也不会下跌。

    During the real estate boom, markets were going up and up and people thought they would never go down.

  • 当我们过着我们的日子,当我们与所爱的人和朋友们聚在一起,重要的是要记住我们的生活方式,我们作为美国人所享有的自由,繁荣和安全,这些不是简简单单交到我们手中的礼物。

    As we go about our days, as we gather with loved ones and friends, it's important to remember our way of life, the freedom, prosperity and security that we enjoy as Americans is not a gift that is simply handed to us.

  • 此后,伦敦发展为中世纪一个庞大的贸易中心,而到了 11 世纪开始繁荣起来,当时威廉一世兴建的伦敦塔,是英格兰其中一所最为森严的监狱。

    Growing into one of the great medieval trading cities, she truly came of age in the 11th century, when William the Conqueror built the Tower of London, which was to become one of England's grimmest prisons.

  • 第一章中,您提到了繁荣,现在让我们看看它怎样衰败的。

    In segement one you talked about how the house was built up now how it collapsed.

  • 繁荣,变成我们如今的好国家,

    and flourish into the good country that we have now

  • 这是法律规定的概念,之所以在法律中有这样的规定,是因为这是繁荣的温床,才能生产出我们需要的东西,像衣服,医疗服务,家用等等

    This is the concept that is in the law and the reason we have it in the law is that it works to produce prosperity and to produce the things we need, like clothes, medical service, homes, whatever.

  • 有些作家的作品,直到19世纪末20世纪初的,语言学繁荣期才为人所知,这个时期也孕育了,我们今天用来研究的文本档案。

    We didn't know a great deal about certain authors until this period of the flourishing of philology in the very late nineteenth and early twentieth century took hold and pretty much created for us the archive that we now use today in a variety of ways.

  • 这个周末,我要前往亚洲促进美国领导力在这一颇具活力地区发挥作用也促进我们美国人的就业,这一地区对我们在未来一个世纪的安全与繁荣至关重要。

    This weekend, I'll depart for Asia to advance American leadership and promote American jobs in a dynamic region that will be critical to our security and prosperity in the century ahead.

  • 的确如此,但是,洛杉矶在那时经历了房地产的繁荣

    Well that's right, but there was a real estate boom in Los Angeles.

  • 金发女人告诉我说少数人要被牺牲掉,多数人才能繁荣

    The blonde woman told me a few must be displaced so that the majority may thrive.

  • 第二次世界大战后,我认为,那时房地产的巨大繁荣主要归结于两件事

    After World War II, there were two things that, I think, contributed to the huge housing boom at that time.

  • 这种经济和社会,发展繁荣了,大概四百年,也许四百年

    That economy and that society go forward and flourish for, as I say, about 400 years maybe--perhaps about 400 years.

  • 时时告诉人们,只要握手言和,繁荣就在眼前,就像雕像里的那对夫妇。

    A reminder of what is possible when people reach out to one another, rather like the couple in the sculpture.

  • 这种担忧正是这轮繁荣的幕后推手

    I think the boom was driven by fear.

  • 不断取得成功“,他在第六章中写到,“一个人对于时常想望的事物能不断取得成功,也就是处于不断繁荣昌盛状态时,就是人们所谓的福祉。

    Continual success," he writes in chapter 6, "continual success in obtaining those things which a man from time to time desireth is what is called happiness or felicity.

  • 现在,我认为这非常有意思,19世纪80年代洛杉矶经历了房地产的,繁荣和萧条,这难以置信

    Now, I think that ultimately--interestingly enough, Los Angeles had a real estate boom and bust in the 1880s; that's hard to believe.

  • 当时花了很长时间找展位,而汉诺威也远不如现在这么繁荣,但是那次展销会非常成功。

    It's been a long time to(for) looking for the booth, at that time Hannover was not that prosperous, but the fair was very successful.

  • 在1820至1830年间是个繁荣的市场

    It was a booming market society by the 1820s and 1830s.

  • 然后,祝福你的家人和朋友“恭喜发财”,为新的一年的繁荣好运做准备。

    Then, wish your friends and family "Gong Xi Fa Tsai," and prepare for 12 months of prosperity and luck.

  • 我们会讲美国的农业部,农业部能够在食品销售方面,提供尽可能多的帮助,来繁荣美国农业的同时,制定了营养政策

    We'll talk about the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which at the same time, is supposed to be helping sell as much food as possible to boost American agriculture, but establishes nutrition policy.

  • 高高在上的金将军相信这是北韩标志性的繁荣和自给自足的能力。

    The Supreme Leader believes it is a hallmark of prosperity and self-sufficiency.

  • 某种意义上,群星荟萃加上房价上涨,推动了洛杉矶房地产的繁荣,所以它成为了全美房产最繁荣的地方

    This sense, this glamour thinking, along with price increases, caused Los Angeles to boom; so it's the boomiest U.S. City.

  • 这种劲头越来越大,这种追求繁荣的论调,甚至在非洲都出现了,我想问的是,在这样的大背景下,受苦还能存在么?

    and that's spreading. This prosperity preaching is going on in Africa. And my question is, where does that leave suffering?

  • 爱和忠诚都是一种无法表述的吸引力,于是律法卷就成了表述它们的方式,即对上帝的教诲,指导,律法和方针的,汇总,它将保证这片土地长久的,繁荣

    Love and loyalty are mere abstractions, however, without some sort of vehicle for their expression; and the vehicle for their expression then is God's Torah, the sum total of God's teachings and instructions and laws and guidelines, which are supposed to ensure long life and prosperity in the land.

  • 而眼前的繁荣是不同的,因为并没有那样的事情发生,所以有些奇怪

    The current boom is different because there's nothing like that happening and so it's strange.

  • 因为只要家庭繁荣,美国就会繁荣

    Because when families are strong, America is strong.

  • 但直到现代,证券市场才繁荣起来

    It never flourished really until relatively modern times.

  • 问题是,是什么引起了现在的繁荣

    The question is: what caused the current boom?

  • 这是鼓舞人心的故事。这个地方包括了我们所知的有关美国生产业的最基本的事情,这个行业很繁荣

    It's an inspiring story. And this place embodies the most basic thing I've learned about American manufacturing, it's thriving.

  • 结果没有爆发第三次世界大战,也许政府真的关闭了房产市场,至少他们限制了房地产,而这促进了房地产繁荣

    It turns out that it didn't turn into World War III and -maybe they did shut down the housing or they must have curtailed it, but it created that boom.

  • 这些论战导致了《权利法》的出台,最常提到的对英国的繁荣富强有着特殊威胁的,作者之一就是弥尔顿。

    In the controversies that are leading up to the Licensing Act, one of the authors most frequently mentioned as posing a special threat to the well-being of the English nation is our very own Milton.

  • 我认为旧金山是美国经济发展最繁荣的地方之一。

    I think the San Francisco economy is probably one of the top economies in the country right now.

  • 下一本书是我自己写的,《非理性繁荣

    The next book is my own and called Irrational Exuberance.

  • 那种美国代表了发展进步,代表了繁荣未来的想法是双方共有的

    The idea that America stood for some kind of progress, that America meant a prosperous future was just common coin.

  • 我的希望是,这也许只是我的一厢情愿,穆斯林人民能觉得这片土地才是,穆斯林民族保持传统,繁荣昌盛的地方,但仍然是美国梦的一部分。

    I think in some ways my hope is, maybe it's more just my optimistic spirit, my hope would be that Muslims would feel like this is the place where they could really thrive within their Muslim identity, and yet be part of the American dream.

  • 尽管弟弟你“昏迷无度”,阿拜萨斯家族繁荣依旧。

    The house of Abrasax continues to thrive, despite the squandering of your inheritance, brother.

  • 其实这也是"繁荣"这个词所暗示的,这是心理学的专业术语

    That's what exuberance refers to-- it's a psychological term.

  • 正如我之前提到它的导致,当然,经济繁荣与萧条的大循环

    As I mentioned earlier it would lead, of course, to big cycles of boom and bust.

  • 近期在美国发现了几处天然气,使二十世纪五十年代的美国很是繁荣,这被用于逐渐发展的工业和居民生活。

    Newly discovered fields in the U.S. led to a boom in the 1950s, driven by growing industrial and consumer needs.

  • 洛杉矶的房地产有过一次巨大的繁荣

    There was a huge boom in real estate prices in L.A.


繁荣 fánróng

[flourishing;brisk;blooming;thriving] 草木茂盛,也指经济或事业蓬勃发展;昌盛


繁荣 fánróng

[make sth. prosper] 使昌盛




繁荣 adj. prosperous; thriving; flourishing; booming; b

错误 n. error; mistake; fault; flaw; blue; blunder; sli

角色扮演 cosplay。 role-playing game。

有趣 adj. interesting; amusing; entertaining; fun; funn

有趣的 adj. interesting; amusing; diverting; entertaining

停止 v. stop; cease; quit; arrest; drop; kill; lift; ha

同意 v. agree; agree with; accept; consent; consent to;

物理 n. physics; physical science; innate laws of thing

二月 n. February; the second month of the lunar year。ab

生病 v. fall sick; fall ill; sicken; ail; get sick; be

怎么读 How to read

春节 n. Spring Festival; the Spring Festival; Chinese N

复杂 adj. complex; involved; mixed; complicated; busy;

竹子 n. bamboo; bamboo plant; bamboo cane。

椅子 n. chair; seat。